Chapter Two ~ Thoughts

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Marshall rushed out of the room of the pink prince before he bolted back to his cave. He didn’t know why he  got so distracted by what Gumball said. 7 words was all that ran through his head over and over. He floated down to the ground, and walked into his house.

‘What is with your fascination with me?’. His head swirled, those words spiralling in his head making him dizzy. He stumbled over to his couch, and fell down onto it, his face dug into the cushioned seat. He let out a low groan, rolling himself off the couch and into the air, floating just above the ground. He run a hand through his hair, and gazed at the roof above him. He heard something fall off from somewhere, and cocked his head in the direction of the noise. He smiles a little when he sees his cat, Schwabelle, walk out from the kitchen and moves over towards her, picking her up carefully and setting her on his stomach, still floating in the air. She somewhat purrs as he she lays down, curling up into a slight ball, as Marshall petted her fur softly.
“I wonder what Bubba meant” he says softly to himself, and Schwabelle if you count her. He laughed a little to himself, at his own thoughts “Fascination? what Fascination? Why would I have a fascination on a prince? I’m the bloody Vampire King for glob sakes and heir to the Nightosphere” he huffed, blowing some strands of his hair out of his face.

“I have no time for that pink oh-im-so-perfect prince” he mumbled. Schwabelle purred softly and opened her eyes, looking at Marshall who sighed, floating back down to the floor, leaning up against a wall of the room with Schwabelle now on his lap. He scratched gently behind her ears, earning another purr.
“Who am i kidding…”.


“Oh my glob, oh my glob, oh my glob” LSP kept repeating over and over and he made his way to Fionna’s house.
“Oh my glob, Fionna!!” He shouted as he knocked on the door loudly, not giving up until the door swung open, and a slightly annoyed looking Fionna opened the door. “What the glob, LS-“ She got cut off as the LSP helped himself into the tree house, pushing Fi out of the way a little. She grumbled something as she followed the annoying purple prince up the ladder, before slouching back down on the couch.

LSP looked  like a kid at Christmas, who just got a present from Santa. If well, that kid believed in Santa that is. He kept fanning his hands, smiling and his eyes were … sparkling? 

“Have you heard?” He asked, his voice suddenly hushed as if someone was trying to hear him form outside.

Fionna raised a brow, “Heard?”

“About Marshall?” LSP added quickly.

“Uhh…” she said, looking down at her couch “And Gumball?” She questioned, looking up at LSP who nodded a little to excitedly “Then … yeah?”. LSP seemed to scream in his head, his cheeks going red with happiness “Oh my glob, who would've known! I never thought of it like that, but now!’ He started giggling -yes, giggling- and his hands were still fanning at his face.

Fionna rolled her eyes “Is that all you came to tell me?” she asked, as she called out for BMO who came over quickly, and sat down on the table, smiling his little digital smile. He plugged in the controller, handing it to Fionna who started up a game, all in the time before LSP answered.
“Well yeah, i didn't come here to give all this lumpy goodness to you for no reason” he waggled his eyebrows but still Fionna just smiled. “Uh huh, sure”

The purple prince smiled “Well, I'm lumpin leaving here. Just wanted to spread the new gossip. Seeya, Fionna” He said before leaving the tree house.

The adventurer continued to play her game before dying. She sighed as she placed the controller down. BMO unplugged it and hopped off that table.
“Are you okay Fionna?” BMO asked as he struggled to climb up to the couch a little.

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