Chapter 12 - Truth Behind The Wedding

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That night after dinner Nandini stayed in her room. She couldn't help but frown. The conversation she heard stuck in her mind and it's not fading away. Chandrika"s marriage has been fixed a week ago. It happened so suddenly that such a big occasion is organised in her own house and yet she didn't have any idea about it until she returned from hostel.

Nandini could feel there's more than this. Though Chandrika and her was not that close but still it feels weird to think about Chadrika being forced into this arranged marriage. Everyone is trying to look happy but she can really see they are not. It might seems as happy occasion but from inside its far from that. She was so engrossed in such thoughts that she didn't heard her room door being opened.

"You are still awake?" Her mother's voice reached Nandini's ear. She jerked up and sit on bed before looking at her mother.


Her mother walked forward. She was also holding a glass of tumeric milk in her hand. Her mother Sunaina put the glass down on table before sitting on bed.

"You should have slept early. Are not you tired?"

Nandini shook her head. Chandrika"s cry still ringing in her mind and no matter how much she try she just couldn't forget it. Let alone sleeping peacefully.

"Mom, is this marriage is forced?" Nandini asked.

Sunaina sighed. She don't want her daughter to know this but she also knew that the truth couldn't be hidden for long. Besides Nandini is already matured.

"Why did you ask me that?"

Nandini pressed her lips. What she guessed was all right. This marriage is not happening because of love but because of force.

"I heard Chandrika crying and saying that she don't want to get married"

Sunaina looked at her daughter then lightly patted her hand "all these arrangements are for Chandrika's own good. Don't worry"

"But she don't want to get married. Why she is being forced like this?" Nandini frowned.

"Nandini don't talk like that" Sunaina warned "you don't know a thing that happened here. And about why she is getting it's the result of her own choice"

Nandini frowned "her choice?"

Sunaina nodded "you don't know the reason of this sudden arrangements. A month ago we got news about Chandrika eloped with her boyfriend. The boy does not belong to our caste and you know about your temperament. He was so angry that he couldn't breath. Chandrika studying MBA was insisted by your dad. He hoped that she could pass with good degree and build her future. But that girl...." Sunaina shake her head in disappointment.

"She clearly knew clearly tradition but still she ignored it and engaged herself with someone who does not belong to us. And this matter doesn't ends here, that boy bas a low status and jobless. He couldn't provide anything to Chandrika who was brought with luxury in her house. When your bua and phupha knew about it they are disappointed with your father because they are against Chandrika studying MBA in the first place. So Your father could not stand the humiliation and brought Chandrika back and arranged this marriage"

Nandini was stunned hearing the story. She never thought Chandrika will be in such a trouble. She eloped with someone but couldn't manage to escape successfully. Nandini also knew that it is not possible too. Her father is a politician and has a huge network circle and it won't take time for him to find someone if he want to. She was never had close connection with Chandrika. She has see her when they are 14 years old in new year party. And after that she only heard about Chandrika's news but never seen her physically.

"Inam sorry mom" Nandini said after sometime.

Sunaina smiled "it's fine"

"What about the groom?"

"He is doing business in Mumbai, and he is the son of your dad's old friend. I have seen him and he is a nice guy. Don't worry this marriage won't harm Chandrika in any way except herself. If she could keep up with the changes of her life she can still live a good life with her husband and family. That boy couldn't give Chandrika a good life. He was jobless and he couldn't support himself then how will he take the responsibility of Chandrika. Your bua and phupha's heart will break if they find her suffering with life. She is their only child and as a parents I also will never want my daughter to be in such a position. Besides this marriage will lead Chandrika in a good way to live her life better. It's all decision from all of us. And even if Chandrika don't agree with it, she really don't have a choice too"

Nandini could see the determination in Sunaona's eyes. And she knew that with this arrangement Chandrika's life is sealed for good. At this point Nandini can understand the situation but at the same time she also thought about Chandrika. She can really understand the pain to be forced to marry someone whom she don't have any feelings, no matter how good that person could be but does love has anything to do with a good kind of quality? It happens from heart not and it doesn't depend on person's good or bad side. But still she knew her parents won't agree with this point because it's her own and they won't share the same thoughts as her. Though her heart is fighting with this situation she couldn't show it on surface. She is already in a bad condition and now her home is going under such a depression.

"I hope you can understand this Nandini. Chandrika did mistakes and had not thought from both sides. 4 days love is not enough for whole life to depend on" Sunaina sighed "with passing times Chandrika will understand that to live her whole life and to understand it fully, love is not enough. There are many things that we need in our life to live and love is just a part of it but not the whole of it"

Nandini looked at her mother. There are many things that turned into turmoil in her head. She couldn't argue about it. And there's no point of it. She wanted to relax herself away from all of this thoughts. Besides even if she stick on this matter nothing will change anyway. Once her dad determined to do something it's fixed till death and he won't stop until he achieve it.

"I understand" Nandini slightly nodded her head.

Sunaina nodded "it's already late. You should sleep early. Besides the rituals of wedding will start from tomorrow"

Nandini nodded again.

"I will leave now. And drink the milk before sleeping" saying this Sunaina started to exit the room.

"Mom, where is dad?" Nandini asked just as Sunaina reached the door.

She turned around and smiled "he is outside, fir some works but will return tomorrow before lunch. You can meet him by then"

"Okay" Nandini nodded her head.

Sunaina glanced at her daughter before quietly leaving the room and closing the door behind. Nandini sighed then shook her head. She looked at the milk glass. Thinking for a while she she grabbed it and emptied the glass in a minute. Falling back in bed, she pulled the cover.

She was here so that she can gather herself and move on? But the cure situation in her house is making her hard not to think about him. Nandini shakes her head then close her eyes.

Forget it, she is not going to think about him now. There is a wedding and she will be attending it to distract herself from those thoughts.

Yes, that's the idea she planned before drifting into deep slumber.

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