3 - Shixiong, You Can Leave

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Chapter 3 - Shixiong, You Can Leave

Legend has it that anyone who purified themselves in the spiritual spring of the Lingquan Array would be able to ascend as an immortal in one day.

It was said that the peerless deity chose Fuxi Mountain as the core of the array because of the fact that there was a spiritual spring in the mountain. Back then, the peerless deity purified himself in the spiritual spring and was able to ascend in one day. It became a legend known by many.

As a result, the spiritual spring being full of spiritual energy attracted countless immortals that wanted to utilize it. As a whole, it became a well-known scenic spot that was trampled on. Although the spiritual spring was still the same spiritual spring, it never told the legend of another peerless deity.

However, it was still a good place to heal and replenish spiritual energy.

But Bai Fanlu couldn't care about that at the moment because he was wracking his brain.

According to the plot of the original novel, Yun Zhan was never injured at all. He was greatly successful in breaking the array, and it was instead the original Bai Fanlu who was seriously injured.

Although Ling Qingzi also mentioned that the original Bai Fanlu should also go to the spiritual spring to bathe, the original Bai Fanlu was adamant about following Yun Zhan down the mountain and didn't hesitate to conceal the condition of his injuries. Ling Qingzi could tell he was injured, but he could also see his disciple's infatuation with Yun Zhan, so he let him go.

The famous 'bathing in the spiritual spring' scene had been far later when Yun Zhan came back after being seriously injured outside, and the original Bai Fanlu went with him.

As for the consequences of going together... Indescribable.

"I need to meditate in seclusion and find another opportunity to break the array. I'll leave Yun Zhan in your hands."

Ling Qingzi's voice pulled Bai Fanlu back from his wandering thoughts.

He looked up awkwardly. He saw that the bloodstain on the corner of Ling Qingzi's lips had been wiped away at some point, but his complexion was pale and his lips were so red that it was shocking. The battle just now had obviously hurt his vitality.

"...Yes, Shizun."

Ling Qingzi was injured in order to save him, an imitation. Bai Fanlu felt ashamed so he could only summon up his courage and go along with it.

Ling Qingzi closed his eyes once again, his clothes began to float upward and he disappeared into smoke.

On the round platform, only Bai Fanlu and the blue-clothed youth lying on the ground that he didn't recognize were left. Coincidentally, the two hidden weapons just now happened to injure Yun Zhan's right shoulder. He unintentionally ended up taking revenge and making it even!

Alright, he could just throw him in the spiritual spring and leave. He was not the original Bai Fanlu, so there was no reason for him to go out of his way to personally heal his wounds.

He inclined his head and sized up Yun Zhan. He was lying upright, his body looking taller and stronger than him. How could he get him to the spiritual spring?

Looking around, he saw that the disciples around were no longer there. Bai Fanlu crouched down and grabbed ahold of Yun Zhan's arm before beginning to recite the teleportation incantation in his heart.

His vision suddenly flashed white and in the next moment, he was standing at the water's edge of a spring. He really could teleport!

But as he looked down...his hands were empty. It seemed that the teleporting mechanism couldn't take other people. He had to teleport back.

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