80 - Ghost Prison General

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Chapter 80 - Ghost Prison General

There was a raging fire that had long been out of control, but Mu Yunhe rushed in desperately.

When he was about to be completely engulfed by the wall of fire, he was dragged back by Xin Wu and a few lieutenants desperately and pressed on the ground.

The soldiers panicked, carrying water, tearing down the wall. None of them expected that a small military doctor's tent would be burned and the area would be so ghoulish.

"Why don't you save people first!" Xin Wu shouted angrily.

The soldier was also frightened and shivered, "They said they saw Doctor Qiu go out, there should be no one in this tent..."

"Where is Doctor Qiu now? Where did he go?"

The soldiers looked at each other and couldn't answer, obviously no one saw Bai Fanlu.

The fire was centered on the military doctor's camp, and it was preliminarily speculated that it was caused by sparks in the medicine furnace inside.

When it was discovered, the tent had already burned more than half. Adding to that, the wind was blowing from the southeast, so the fire soon spread to the soldiers' tents, the firearms camp, and the grain shed.

There were only a small number of people left in the big battle camp. They put out the fire to take care of themselves first. In order to reduce the loss and protect the firearms and grain to the utmost extent, the two fires were put out first.

And at this time in the day, no one would think that there were people in the military doctor's camp. Even if there were people, they would call for help or come out as soon as a fire broke out.

Xin Wu embraced a glimmer of hope, hoping that there was really no one in that tent.

"General, Doctor Qiu should not be there. Calm down. It takes time for the fire to burn. He has the ability to protect himself."

In Xin Wu's view, Bai Fanlu was just an ordinary medical officer. Although Mu Yunhe personally brought him to the camp, he didn't see him differently, so Xin Wu thought that Mu Yunhe was anxious simply because Bai Fanlu treated the soldiers' wounds.

But the extent of this gaffe was unexpected by Xin Wu. Mu Yunhe's eyes were flushed. He had never seen him like this. Even if he was trapped just now, he was always calm and composed.

Xin Wu was able to analyze the situation calmly, but Mu Yunhe couldn't at all.

It doesn't matter if the sky falls, Mu Yunhe can do nothing. But the person in this tent, if he is really inside...

Mu Yunhe couldn't accept even the slightest possibility. He had to confirm with his own eyes that there was indeed no one inside.

"I want to go in, you guys... let me in."

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