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Wei and Lan ended up at a music store. There were multiple different instruments, but the store specialised in older music instruments. Such as Erhu's, Dizi's, Pipa's, and the Guqin – the instrument Lan Wangji had in one of his rooms. Wei recognized it and ran to it, 'Lan look! You had one of these at home.' He smiled at him while saying it. Wangji calmly walked to him, 'Mh.' 'Can you play a bit?' 'We should ask if we're allowed.' Wei turned his head to look for an employee. When he spotted one, he ran to them and asked if they could try out the Guqin, the worker looked a little hesitant, but when they turned to see Lan Wangji they gave Wei permission. He happily ran back to him and said, 'You can try it.' Lan sat down and checked if it was working right, Wei just looked at him in awe. He had never seen anyone play an instrument like this before his eyes. After Lan stopped playing the room entered a silent state, but it was quickly met with Wei's clapping. He turned his head to look at him. 'That was so cool!'. Lan has a little smile on his face, 'Do you play an instrument?' Wei looked around, 'I used to play the Dizi in school, but I haven't practised in many years', he let a little laugh out. 'Ah they're over here', he walked over. Lan got up and followed him. Wei waved to get the employees attention to ask if he could play on it. 'You should clean the mouth part first, there may be some dust left on it.' Wei wiped is clean with his sleeve, 'Okay let me try', Lan carefully looks at Wei as he placed his lips on the flute. He played a little tune every child could play after that he removed his lips and looked at Lan who was surprisingly already looking at him. 'I need to practice again.' The employee walked over, 'Maybe you should buy this one then?' Wei turned his head, he had a little smile on his face, 'I don't have too much free time.' He gave them the flute back.

The turned back to Lan Wangji and patted him on the back, 'Let's go.'

They were walking back to the car. 'Why didn't you buy it, you were getting they're hopes up.' 'I just wanted to try it out, didn't say I was gonna buy it.' 'Do you want it?' 'Not really, I don't have time.' He opened the car door and when in, Lan followed him. 'Do you want to go home?' 'Yeah, I'm a little tired.'

He brought Wei Wuxian back to the Jiang household. Wei opened the door and yelled, 'I am home everyone!' 'Why?', Jiang Cheng replied. 'Rude.' He put his jacket on the stairs, 'Where is Shi-Jie?' Jiang looked with a relaxed face at Wei and calmly said, 'Don't yell.' 'Why would I yell?' He took a deep breath, 'She's on a date with Jin Zixuan.' Silents fell in the room. 'Ow, you're chill about it? I thought you would freak out.' But Jiang Cheng spoke too soon. There came a dark energy from Wei. 'What did you say?', he said with a calm and collected voice. Jiang Cheng held a pillow in front of him, 'D- date with- youngest son- Jin household- please stop.' Wei grabbed the pillow from Jiang and threw it on the couch, 'Why are you hiding! He should!' 'Why are you getting angry at me!' 'Why are you yelling! I'm mad!' 'You started yelling at me for no reason dickhead!'

Madam Yu walked down the stairs to see why her son and Wei Wuxian were making a commotion. With out them knowing she was already in the living room, and she let out a cough to let them know she was there. They both stopped yelling at each other and turned their heads. 'Are you two done?' Jiang pulled Wei on to the couch, 'Sorry for yelling mom. Were you sleeping?' 'Well, that doesn't matter. Why couldn't you two have a normal conversation?' Wei got up and spoke before Jiang Cheng, 'Sorry ma'am, I got a little mad and he got mad at me for it.' 'Of course, it's you. But I'm going back to my room do not interfere with my free day again.' She left the room.

Jiang pulled Wei back on the couch, 'It's also my fault.' Wei stroked his head, 'But why is Shi-Jie going on a date with that peacock?' Jiang shrugged, 'She likes him, why else?' 'Ugh', Wei laid his upper body on the couch, 'Gross.' Jiang pushed him, 'Not like you never liked someone.' 'Do you like someone like that, A-Cheng?', he sat back up and placed his arm around his neck, 'Are you getting mad because you can't tell me that you like a girl?' 'I am going to punch you.' Wei let him go as he laughed. Jiang got up and walked to the kitchen, 'Do you want to eat anything?' he asked. Wei shook his head, 'I already ate, so I'm not hungry for your shitty cooking.' Jiang turned his head and stared at him. Wei put up a middle finger. Jiang ran back at him, and Wei got up from the couch to run as well, he grabbed his jacket and went to his room. 'Pussy!', Jiang yelled before he heard the door to Wei's room close.

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