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"Congratulations class of 2018!!!" The principal stated as the auditorium filled with applause. I threw my cap in the air along with everyone else. I made it out of jail!! I'm a free man. I thought to myself as we all laughed as a class we picked up our caps and walked off the stage to the backroom to let out all of our energy.

"Shit imma miss y'all fa' real" Niah said as she hugged me and Jay. I wasn't ever much of a cryer but I felt overwhelming emotions as I knew this was gonna be the last time I saw my second family for a while.

"AHHHH!!!" Jay screamed while wailing his arms in the air. "Hehe..I love y'all" he said genuinely with tears in his eyes. We replied with the same words as we group hugged again.

All this stopped until Qwon irritating ass stepped over to tap my shoulder. I turn around and roll my eyes. "I'm gon' miss you bro" He says while resting his head on my shoulder.

"Yea you too.." I said a little dry as I embrace the unexpected hug. After I pat his back to let go he turns off and walks away. I roll my eyes again staring at his ass as he walks off then i catch myself.

"Aweeeee" Niah and Jay say in unison.

"W-What..uhn uhn- no!" I say as I try to hold back my goofy smile.

Both of them know after I came out to them earlier in the school year, that I had a crush on Qwon, but that all blew away on the class trip to Six Flags and he was all boo'd up in my face.

I still regret being mad now cuz I allowed him to ruin my whole trip.

"Imma be right back y'all" Turning off to look for my best friend at the time she runs up and jump hugs me from out of nowhere.

"BEST FRIEND!!!!!" Pop tart yells out loud as I hug her tight. Lord she just blew out a nigga ear drum.

"Best Friend!! why was you late?!" I asked her concerned. During the graduation and us singing as a class, Pop tart stormed in clacking her heals in fury for being late.

"Traffic-" she says after getting cut off at the sight of tears rolling down my face. "Awe come hereeee" she says before pulling me into another tight hug.

I was so overwhelmed with the thought of not seeing the people that made me happy anymore and having to start over in high school without them.

"I-Imma miss you 'Tart" I said sobbingly.

"Imma miss you too best friend.." She says as all of her built up emotions flood out as well.

Her mother comes up and hugs us and smiles. "Where yo mama at Ken?" she asks. "I saw her at the door when she let us in".

I shake my head and smile. "She most likely helping out with the flow of things like always," I always loved how my mom was helping out and chaperoning even if it's not her job. "She's probably right up them stairs at the door still".

"Ok let's go see her" Tart's mom walks us up the stairs and I see my family standing at the door smiling at me as I walk out.

"Heyyyyy Nephew" My Aunt Kia said all ghetto and loud. "I'm proud of you son" I looked up for my dad only to see my grandfather and I sighed mentally and hugged him. I thought he was gonna be here..

I hold up my smile as it reaches my eyes to see my two older brothers. "Congratulations lil bro-" Twan gets cut by my eldest brother Dae. "And you still ugly!" Dae says.

I laugh at them as they put me in a playful headlock and start punching on me. "Yo mama-" I say with a smile before Twan plants a palm on my neck.

"BOY WHAT THE-" I get cut off by my mom. "Y'all better cut it aht" she said sternly looking at us with a side eye before continuing her conversation with Tart's mom.

After a long night the bachelor was tired so they let me chill at my grandparents house until they come back.

"So how you think high schools gonna be?" My grandma says with a smirk.

Like hell. Is what I wanted to say.

"Hmm..Ion know granny," I look down playing with my fingers. "I mean I just I wanna go to school with my friends, ion know nobody in this new area.."

"Well sometimes starting fresh isn't so bad" She says lifting my head up. "Look, these kids not gonna know a thing about you. And y'all all new to high school you'll be fine" She pats my legs and get up and walks to the kitchen.

I throw my head back. I jus- hmm I hope this school ain't a prison like Shoop. I think to myself as I close my eyes.

Little did I know..this wasnt gonna be the only move... Life was is going to get crazy in 3 years.


So what do you think?

Thanks for reading tho y'all imma try my hardest to give y'all something to enjoy. It aint gon' be boring so nunna that but make sure to show some love by voting and commenting. I love feedback!!

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