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October 31, 2021

We all make it to the hospital and rush to the front desk.

"Hi we're looking for boyfriend..to visit" I say panting, trying to catch my breath.

"Awe ok sweetie what's his name?" She asks.

"Kris Wattson"

"Ok give me oneeee moment" She turns to her computer.

I look down as I look down at my hands.

"He's in room 118B"

"Thank you..Thank you so much"

We make it to the room to see Kris up and looking out the window. "I already cried when I saw y'all tripping and falling out the car" Kris says laughing.

I stand in awe...frozen in place.

"If y'all all just stand there y'all gonna make me cry again!" he says wiping his face

I bolt over to him with the rest of them behind me following. Tears falls down my face as I embrace him..my everything.

"I was so worried..I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I said while nuzzling my face into his neck.

"Its ok it's not your fault..we protected each other" He says with a smile as he holds me close. "Can we get a minute y'all"

I hear their feet head out as the door closes.

"Come here, sit" Kris says as we sit down on the bet next to each other.

"Kris you pushed me out of the way..and went through so much with me" I say sobbing while looking down.

"Hey..." He lifts my face to him and wipes my tears, "You wanna know why I didn't let Cam, Trey, or anything we put up with to end what we have?"

I look him into his eyes.

"Its love Ken..I love you so much baby boy, You make my heart jump every time I'm with you. Your personality is unique and radiant..and you know how to treat me" He says with a smirk.

"You are my first love" he adds.

I kiss him passionately, slowly deepening the kiss. We've never kissed like this before. I knew that he was mine. This was fate.

"Kris, I love you more than you could ever imagine, You're devotion and commitment have exposed me to what that love is. You changed me. You're my fortune"


This was the final chapter..
But don't be sad, This was only the first half of senior year!

Your favorite characters will be back again and again to give you all that you need.

I appreciate all the reads, votes, and genuine love you guys show.

This story will be continued. Don't expect a when because like i've said i'm not like other writers that i've seen.

I'll be dropping the next book in this series when i hit 5k reads. And that's a promise!

Love y'all and Thanks for reading 💜

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