Let Me In Pt 9

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The funeral was held the next week once the body was released to the family.

Tom was supposed to say the eulogy, but he never left his and Y/N house after finding out the news. His family tried to contact him and see him but he didn't let anyone in. He kept all the curtains, windows, doors closed, phone off, except for when he had had the drunk driver killed. But no one ever saw him or heard from him after that.

Harrison had eventually had enough after Tom missed Y/N's funeral. He drove to the house and picked the lock to get inside. But when he closed the door and saw for himself what Tom had been doing all this time, his heart broke for his friend. Shattered glass, vases, paintings, picture frames all over the floor. The house was a mess, the lights were all off and it was dark as hell.

"Tom?" Haz called out carefully, "It's Haz, you missed Y/N's funeral I just wanted to check on y-" suddenly he was pushed against a wall with a hand on his throat. "Don't you dare say her name to me," Tom growled. Harrison pushed him off and gasped for air. But then he finally got to see his best friend. He was a mess.

He had bruises everywhere, most likely self-inflicted, he had tears staining his cheeks, dark circles under his red glossy eyes. In the hand he didn't use to almost strangle Harrison, he had fisted a picture of Y/N.

It was the very first picture he had printed of her, she was standing in her bakery in a blue dress and a rose (given to her by Tom) in hand, looking at Tom, smiling bigger than she ever had. Tom had just asked her to be his girlfriend, officially. It was the happiest moment of Tom's life, the next being when she'd have said yes, then being when she'd have said 'I do'.

"Tom...mate I am so sorry I-" Harrison moved to hug his friend when he was interrupted.

"I was gonna propose."

"What?" Tom pulled the small box from his pocket, the box itself had made dents from when Tom had thrown it at a wall or the ground, but when he opened the box, there stood the ring looking perfectly fine. Harrison's eyes watered slightly.

"M-Mate I am so sorry," he hugged his friend and Tom gripped him tighter sobbing into his shoulder. "WHY! WHY DID SHE LEAVE ME HAZ? WHY?!" he sobbed. Harrison just held him tighter. "She wouldn't have wanted this for you mate, you know that. Come on, please your family needs you."

But the truth was, what was happening to Tom right now, was exactly what Y/N Scott had planned.

And it was about to get worse.

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