Chapter 13 - Not What It Seems

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Not What It Seems

~ Annies Perspective ~

"You just going to act like you didn't do anything" he whispered now that we were close together. Even though he was whispering, you could still see that he was very frustrated. I took a deep breath, hoping that his frustration wouldn't get worst, and finally manage to say something. "You going to act like you didn't do anything wrong either." I muttered as I slowly lock eyes with him again.

Although, when I looked at him he seemed confused. I rolled my eyes. Does he really think that he didn't do anything wrong. What he did was worst than what I was doing, I didn't even touch Jordan, while he let the girl next to him do whatever the fuck she wanted.

"What are you talking about, you got up for no reason" He responded with slight anger. "What do you mean no reason! The girl next to you was rubbing your dick and all you did was stare at her!" I shouted, but instantly stopped when I realized everyone was now staring at us. I sighed and pushed Johnny away from me before I left.

Great. First day of Harvard and I already made a horrible first impression on everyone. Instead of waiting for Johnny, I started to walk back to the dorm myself. However, he wasn't going to let me go that easy. I could tell considering that he literally chased after me.

"Wait!!!! Annie!" He shouted before grabbing my arm and turning me around. "I didn't know what she was doing, and I wasn't staring at her, I was staring at the guy who was above her because he was smirking at you! That's why I glanced at you....I wanted to see what you were doing..." he says mumbling the last few words.

I roll my eyes at his response. How could he not feel someone touch his dick, that's the most dumbest thing I heard.

I attempted to walk away again, but just like before, he had pulled me back. "Look" he says before he pulled something out of his pants. A part of me was weirded out that he had something in his pants the whole time but the other part was curious on how I didn't realize it was there.

"I was kinda hard before we went to class and I didn't want other people to see, but I also didn't want you to know that you got me hard so I put this in my pants." He explains before putting it back in. I give him a disgusted looked before he starts to talk again. "Kick me"

"What? No way" I responded, but he kept asking. "I just want you to know I'm telling the truth" he says one last time. I sighed, I mean I did want to know if he was lying or not, but I didn't want to make it obvious. Eventually, I gave in and kicked him between his legs. I was surprised he didn't even flinch.

"See" he responded before taking the thing out of his pants. I looked over carious. Without giving it a second thought I kicked him between his legs again, this time without the thing in his pants.

"FUCK!" He shouted in pain before falling to the ground. "Oh...sorry...I just had to make sure" I say trying to hold in my laugh. Johnny rolls his eyes as he stays on the ground for a few more minutes. "How the fuck can you kick so hard" he muttered as he attempted to get up. I shuddered before helping him up.

"You are so damn lucky I love you right now" he whined as we slowly walked back to our dorm. I was sightly laughing even though a part of me felt bad.

The second we entered the dorm, the same girl who was touching Johnny in class was now on his bed. "Not this again" I mumbled before turning back to Johnny. "What? I don't know her" he responded as he looked over at the girl. "She was the girl touching you" I muttered as I rolled my eyes at him.

"Well, I thought we could finish what I started in class" the girl on Johnnys bed blurted out with a smirk. This bitch really does get on my nerves. "Get the fuck out you slut" I muttered at her. I could tell I hit a nerve considering that her flirty type of face changed to angry and annoyed. "What the fuck did you just call me" she muttered back getting off the bed.

Johnny stepped in between us before the girl could attempt to hurt me. "You should get out" he says as I smirk at her. The girl rolled her eyes "whatever" she mumbled as she walked out the room.

"I am definitely sleeping in your bed from now on" Johnny states while he grabbed his pillow and put it over on mine. I chuckled at how drastic he was being "don't act like other girls haven't been on that bed before" I replied back, which apparently caught his attention.

We locked eyes, and the only thing I could see through them was how much pain he was feeling, and how sorry he felt. "What's wrong" I questioned after a moment of silence. A few seconds passed before he began to open his mouth. "Nothing...I just really love you" he mumbled.

"I love you too....." I mumbled back, finally. I guess I wasn't comfortable telling Johnny how much I loved him because I didn't know if what he was feeling for me was real...and I didn't want to end up getting heartbroken, but it's a little too late for that. It doesn't matter how much I try to convince myself that I don't love Johnny, or the times I ignore him when he tells me he loves me, I'll always feel the way I feel for him, and those feelings for him aren't going anywhere.

Although, when I had finally told Johnny I loved him back, he didn't seem to happy, it was like he got more upset. "Why are you so upset" I manage to ask. There was clearly something wrong with Johnny but I wasn't sure why he wouldn't tell me.

"Can we cuddle while watching a movie again?" He asked, ignoring the question I had asked him. I sighed before nodding my head yes. It's not that I didn't want to cuddle and watch a movie, I love doing those things with Johnny, but what I wasn't happy about was the fact that he was upset and wasn't telling me what was going on. I guess he just needed some space...

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