Chapter 23 - I Only Want You

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I Only Want You

~ Johnnys Perspective ~

It's been another week without seeing Annie and I couldn't take it anymore. I had to see her and tell her how I feel, especially before she starts dating that Adam guy. I can't believe he had sex with Annie and I've never seen her naked!- except the time I got her drunk....

I know she deserves better than me but I need her. With that, I was knocking on Adam's door, knowing that he wasn't home right now.

"J-Johnny? What are you doing here?" Annie mumbled opening the door with Josh hugging her right leg. "Umm Josh what are you doing" I said chucking down at him. "Mommy won't let me have cake" Josh whined while Annie rolled her eyes. "Josh, eat your healthy food first!" Annie said raising her tone but not too loud. She was always gentle with Josh so it was weird seeing her demand him around.

"What do you want, I'm busy!" Annie shouted, turning towards me. "I wanted to talk to you..." I said with a small pause before I continued "I'm sorry about everything, I really miss you and I want you to move back in with me..."

I couldn't tell if Annie was shocked or she frustrated. "I think I'll pass on watching you put your dick up girls throats" she muttered about to slam the door. "Wait!" I shouted stopping her. "I swear to you that won't happen, I only want you, and if you come bac-

Annie didn't allow me to finish considering that she cut me off "I'm with Adam, and I'm not ruining that relationship for a relationship I had over 4 years ago— that didn't work out" Annie stated

My heart completely sunk when she acted like the relationship we had meant nothing. Is that really what she thinks about us? That it's just a relationship we had over four years ago?

"B-But I l-love y-you" The words just slipped out and then I realized what I had just said. I haven't told her I loved her in such a long time. "Don't lie to yourself, if you loved me you wouldn't be telling me now" Annie muttered shutting the door on me.

I felt tears come down my eyes as I stood in front of the door for a few more minutes. How could I be so stupid to see that the only girl I ever wanted was right in front of me! And my dumbass thought I wanted Emily. For fuck sake Emily's nothing compared to Annie, how could I just leave Annie for her!

~ Annies Perspective ~

"Mommy I want daddy" Josh blurted out after I slammed the door on Johnny.

I sighed knowing that he was referring to Johnny as his dad- again. "I don't like my new daddy, he mean to me" Josh added with puppy dog eyes.

"Adam's just...strict..." I mumbled giving Josh a hug. Maybe Johnny would be a better father to Josh than Adam is...but I don't think I could take the pain of seeing him anymore.

After Josh whined for about an hour, i decided to listen to him. I left some money on Adam's kitchen table to repay him back for everything, and then I started to pack mine and Josh's clothes. Before Adam got home I left. He was a good to me...but I knew he didn't enjoy Josh's company...not like Johnny.

"Mommy are we going to daddy's house" Josh asked moving his eyes away from the window and towards me. "No. We are going to a hotel" I responded stopping at the first hotel I saw. It was very fancy, but luckily I had enough money to afford it.

When we got onto the floor, I bumped into the one and only Johnny Orlando. I knew it instantly considering that he always had a different smell than other guys. "Great...." I mumbling trying to act like I didn't notice it was him. "Annie? What are you doing here" He asked instantly recognizing me. "Daddy!!!" Josh screamed jumping into his arms.

Johnny returned the chuckle as he gently put Josh down "you still call me daddy...?" Johnny repeated confused as his eyes drifted to me. I shuddered while grabbed Josh's hand and about to walk away— until Johnny stopped me..again...

"Wait! Annie, why don't you just come stay at my hotel, I'll pay—

I cut Johnny off before he could finish "I'm fine, I already paid for a hotel"

With that, I walked away with Josh. Eventually I got to the hotel, when I opened it there was a huge gift package that Josh ran too while I shut the door behind me. "Cool!!!!" Josh yelled in excitement. I gave him a small smile before I laid down. Todays been one heck of a day.

~ Johnnys Perspective ~

Telling Annie I want her didn't go well, she completely rejected me. But she's at this hotel without Adam so that must mean something happened between them right?

I know deep down that Annie and I may never get back together, but I'm still hoping one day we'll be a happy family...with Josh.

I got some chocolates for Josh although I know Annie would take them for herself, and a huge teddy bear and some flowers for Annie. A few seconds later I was knocking at her door. It was nine at night so she shouldn't be asleep.

It took her a few minutes, but she had finally answered the door. "I don't have time for this, I told you—ooo chocolate!" Annie said cutting herself off as she snatched it away from me. "So can I come in?" I asked with a small smirk.

Annie rolled her eyes as she moved out the way, allowing me to come in. I gave her a smile as I went up to Josh eating "hey buddy" I mumbled "daddy!" He shouted as he wrapped his arm around me. I know he isn't my biological son but I still consider him my son.

"Want some" he asked as he offered a piece of cake. "No I'm good but thank you" I responded as my eyes went back to Annie who was staring at us. "How are you doing..." I asked partially mumbling. "Great" she said in her sarcastic tone. I sighed while walking up to her.

"I got some more chocolates if that'll make you feel better" I blurted out, watching her face light in excitement. I chuckled at her reaction before grabbing more chocolates from my room.

I have a bed full of them. Drinking beer all day wasn't good for me so I decided to switch from chips, and then chocolates, it helped me think about Annie in a non depressing way.

"Why do you have so much" Annie asked as she opened a O'henry chocolate bar. "It reminded me about you" I mumbled from the bed across Annie was sitting on. "Why'd you leave me..." She had finally blurted out. By now Josh was in the shower so I wasn't scared to get in the same bed Annie was in.

"I didn't leave you...I wanted to get over you because you would never give me a chance to be with you" I said taking a small pause "I hated seeing you everyday and not being able to kiss you or give you a hug— knowing that you didn't feel the same way"

Annie silently ate her chocolate bar. By the time Josh got out of his shower, it was still silent, Annie and I didn't say a word to each other.

I Never Loved You - Johannie StoryWhere stories live. Discover now