7. Well, sh!t happened, my dear siblings

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After the team came back to the compound ( also please forget the whole maximoff twins hate stark storyline )

“This is now home guys “ Hayley told the twins with a smile “ It looks amazing Hayley, good to see you made a life for yourself “ pietro said with a smirk “ Ah, well, sh!t happened, my dear siblings “ Hayley muttered, but Wanda heard her, before she said anything Tony came up from behind and said “ Um hi, Hayley’s siblings, I’m tony stark, and I wanted to ask if it was ok for you guys to introduce yourselves to the rest of the team and them doing the same at dinner “ Both the twins nodded in excitement.

A T   D I N N E R

Once the twins were ready and changed, Hayley brought them to the dining room “ Um, everyone, these are my younger siblings “ Hayley introduced in an awkward way, trying not to disturb the conversation happening at the dining room “ I’m Wanda, I can move things with my mind “ “ Great to know Wanda “ Steve told her with a smile “ I’m pietro and I have super speed “ He said shyly “ Great to learn about you guys, I know you will help the team a lot “ tony said, exited that more enhanced beings are joining the team “ Im yelena Belova, a trained killer and the 2nd black widow “ “ Natasha rommanoff, the actual black widow “ “ Loki, God of mischief, and Hayley’s boyfriend “ “ well I must say, sister you have good taste in men “ Hayley blushed at the statement “ Thor, Lokis brother, God of thunder “ “ Bruce banner, scientist In some way, but mainly a doctor “ “ Clint Barton, Hawkeye “ “ Steve rogers “ “ I’m tony stark, Genius, bilionare, playboy, philanthropist “ “ And finally, You know me, I’m Hayley, SHEILD agent, graduate of the black widow program, singer-songwriter, dancer and I also have a degree in business and law, FYI I took a joint course “ Hayley says, trying not to brag, but she already knows that the rest of them thought she did “ Show off! “ yelena shouted in a playful way with a smirk “ It was nice knowing all of you, Pietro and I are very exited to work with you “ She said trying not to sound to exited " It was truly a pleasure " Pietro added, not getting why wanda was so exited. " Hey Wanda, I have to talk with you, is it ok If I borrow you for sec? " Hayley asked " Sure sis " she agreed with a grin.


What's up Hayley? " Wanda asked, wondering what her sister wanted to tell her so urgently, " Um you know how you have powers and the first time we saw each other I said Wanda, You’re not able to overpower me, interesting, clearly you’re more weak than I thought, " Wanda responded with a yes, not knowing where Hayley was going with this, but little did she know that Hayley maximoff was about to drop a bombshell on her " Um well, it's because you use chaos magic, and since you use chaos magic, that makes you... The scarlet witch "

A/n - I'm sorry Agatha Harkness for somewhat stealing that line from you 😅

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