10. Everybody wants to rule the world

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A/N - this is not gonna go word by word to what was said in civil war, and I did change it a bit.

Hayley's POV

After reliving how I got taken by the red room, I heard a knock on the door, and to my surprise, it was tony! He looked at me with a worried face, and said " Do I need to say anything or do you have any guesses on what Im gonna say or ask you " I didn't need to read his mind to know that ross had come and tony wanted me to come down stairs for a meeting with him, " no. " After saying that I followed him to the meeting room, to see everyone sitting there, the only empty seat was next to wanda because tony already sat on the seat in the back, so I decided to just ignore her for the entire time.

Ross started speaking " listen, I know the world owes the avengers an unpayable debt, but sometimes your heroics lead to troubles, for example " He then proceeded to show the damage of the aftermath of New York, Washington, sokovia, and Lagos, as he showed lagos, I saw wanda put her head down, and honestly, I get it. Ross then continued to say " Because of all the damage you caused, 117 countries in the UN have voted for the avengers to sign the sokovia accords, which would make yo a government run organization, or you retire " nat smirked at his last remark.

After Ross said what he said, he passed the accords over to me, I looked at it and then slides it over to Steve, who took a look inside the accords. Ross then finally finished by saying " The next UN meeting is in 3 days, so you have 3 days to decide " With that he left the room. I honestly wish I could say that whatever happened after that was a nightmare, but it wasn't "

Time skip

Hayleys POV

Sam was arguing with Rhodes " Secretary Ross has a congressional medal, which is 1 more than you have " Sam then followed by saying " Ok, lets say we sign this thing, how long is it going to be before they LoJack us like a bunch of criminals? " Rhodes honestly looked so annoyed " 117 countries want to sign this! 117, and you're just like no that's cool " Sam then cut off Rhodes " How long are you going to play both sides-? " Then out of nowhere, vision just came up and said " I have an equation " Everyone stopped and looked at vision, he then continued saying " In the 8 years mr. stark announced himself as iron man, the number of known enhanced persons has grown exponentially and during the same period the number of potentially world-ending events has risen at a commensurate rate. Our very strength invited challenge, challenge incites conflict, conflict... Breeds catastrophe " before all of this, I already made up mind, this thing puts us in check, and that makes us more responsible, so I'm game for signing this thing.

Nat must have noticed something because she said " Tony, Hayley, you're being uncharacteristically non hyper-verbal " Steve, as if he read our minds, he immediately said " Cause they already made up their minds " I sarcastically said " Congratulations, you're a genius " Tony then said " Ya, I did rogers, like Hayley said congratulations you're a genius! You know why? well let me tell you, there was this kid, an AMAZING kid! He was spending the summer in sokovia building homes for the less-fortunate, and you know what we did? while we were so busy kicking as, we dropped a building on him " I felt terrible. He sounded like a brilliant kid! And we just destroyed his entire future! This just made my decision even more firm.

Steve then sighed and rolled his eyes and said " If someone dies on your watch, you dont give up " " who said we were giving up? " " We are by signing this thing " rhodes immediately said " Sorry, Steve, that is dangerously arrogant " Steve then ignored him and said " If we sign this we are giving up the freedom to choose, what if theres somewhere we need to go but they don't let us, we may not be perfect but the safest hands are still are own " Tony rolled his eyes and said " If we dont do this now, it'll be done to us later " Wanda then caught on and said " You're saying they'll come for me " Vision was about to say something, but I decided it was time to give wanda some thought love " Listen wanda, if you listen to me and the team, no they wont, but if you dont listen to us, they will " I said with a fake smile, she just raised her eyebrow and sat back, " Maybe Tony's right " Nat said, all of us just looked at her in shock because Natasha Romanoff NEVER agrees with tony, she then continued to say " If we have one hand on the wheel, we can still steer " tony just looked at her and said " Did I just here you agree with me? " She smirked and said " Don't make me take it back "

Steve was pissed " You guys! By signing this, We are practically giving away the avengers! " I was just done at this point, I was sitting with my feet on the table so I got down and started pacing around the room While doing that, I started speaking ' Listen rogers, if my " parents " were alive, they would slap me and say " Hayley! Respect your elders! " and honestly right now I dont feel like doing so! Listen rogers, I think the people in this room know what can happen if all of this go south, the only thing that divides us, is that some of us are willing to take the risk of seeing what could happen and some of us dont want to take the risk! And rogers, this is something you can't punch you're way out off "

After saying this I just stormed out of the room, cause I knew what would happen, this problem is gonna tear the avengers apart, this problem is going to tear my family apart, and I just can't stand the thought of that. I just went up to my room, which was filled with instruments and started playing a song on the piano, and it was pretty good for improv if I do say so myself

***Welcome to your life, There's no turning back Even while we sleep We will find you***

***Acting on your best behavior Turn your back on Mother Nature Everybody wants to rule the world***

***It's my own design Its my own remorse help me to decide help me make the most***

***Of freedom and of pleasure nothing ever lasts forever everybody wants to rule the world***

***There's a room where the light won't find you holding hands while the walls come tumbling down when they do I'll be right behind you***

***So glad we've almost made it so sad they had to fade it everybody wants to rule the world everybody wants to rule the world everybody wants to rule the world***

( By the way this is everybody wants to rule the world, the version by lorde )

After I was done, I heard some slow claps, I looked up and it was wanda, I smiled a little but I didn't want to show it, " what are you doing there? " Sh smiled a little and sat on my bed, " I came to apologize, I should have considered the fact that before you became what you became, a lot of shit happened. Im sorry, I shouldn't have been so quick to judge. I've just stooped thinking before I speak ever since pietro died, all I can think of is that day " Ah, Ya.. Pietro had died recently, a couple of months ag. He was on a mission with Clint and wanda, when they were leaving the place, they didn't know that there was a bomb inside, so clit and wanda were coming out and the building where they went to blew up, with pietro in it... I was depressed for a month and a half and couldn't do anything, cause I just got him back, and I lost him again. Wanda took it even worse, she's still not over it. I went and sat on the bed  with her, and hugged her " its okay " I whispered, she hugged me back and let out a couple of tears.

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