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We won. The war with Ultron, we won.

I'm with Steve as we walk into the building and straight to the elevator, where I press the floor where the Avengers Tower's living room is.

"Hey, what are your thoughts on the twins?" Steve asks.

"I believe they're fine" I say.

"I'll just open a topic in the meeting later about them joining us, of course if they agree" he said, looking at me as if he could see my soul and perhaps asking for my approval.

"Sure, I think that's nice; after all, they help us" I said, and I could see him smile like an idiot, so I just rolled my eyes

"I just want my girlfriend's opinion" he explained. To hide my blush, I rolled my eyes at him. Yes, we are dating, but no one knows because we recently decided to keep our relationship private.

Fortunately, the elevator stops because I can't hide my smile any longer; I quickly change my emotion to serious and walk away from Steve so that no suspicions are raised. I noticed the twins on the couch with agents standing nearby, possibly to guard them. In my opinion, I don't think that's necessary because they did help us save the world, but I suppose it's for everyone's safety, but I still feel bad, so I make my move..

"Agents, I can handle this; you can leave now" I said coldly. I saw them look at each other, shrug, and go to the elevator; when they were gone, I could feel the twins' stares at me, so I casually walked over to the mini bar in here to get myself a Vodka because I desperately need it right now.

I looked past the twins and saw Steve in the glass room; that's where we're going to meet. He's talking to Tony, no more like arguing. I finally look at the twins, who are staring at me with interest.

"What?" I ask.

"Why did you make the agents leave?" the girl, whose name I believe is Wanda, ask.

I don't want to answer them without making myself vulnerable, so I just shrug and hope they accept my answer. It appears that they stopped asking questions, so I just sit on one couch and keep drinking.

Soon after, the elevator dings, revealing Bruce, Clint, and Thor. The meeting appears to be about to begin.

"Twins don't go anywhere, I trust you enough to make the Agents leave, and there's fruit there, help yourself if you're hungry" I told them, and they looked at me in shock. At that moment, I realized no one had ever shown them kindness, and I silently made a promise to myself to protect them no matter what. When I realize I'm staring at them, I quickly turn around and make my way to the meeting room, where everyone is currently seated.


"What!? You want to lock them up? Steve said. He's completely furious about what Tony just said and I don't agree about it either.

"They are danger to the society Rogers, what do you want from me? Tony said.

he's really a complete idiot sometimes.

They continue to argue, and before everything falls apart, I speak up.

"Both of you, you are not the only ones here; seek advice of others" I advised.

"I think it's not fair for them, they're just kids" Bruce said.

"I'm with Steve on this one" Clint said.

"Whatever Lady Natasha's decision is, I'm with her" Thor said

Steve and Tony look at me

"Tony, I know you have good intentions, as do you. Tony, keep in mind that you are the reason they are homeless in the first place. We can keep them here and train them so they aren't a danger to society or themselves," I explained. They all agreed with a nod, including Tony. Everyone exits the meeting room, and I go speak with Tony.

"Don't be too hard on yourself; you have good intentions. You're a good man" I said, and as I walked out of the meeting room, I noticed his small smile.

I saw the twins where I left them and they didn't seem to move, literally. I sighed and went to the kitchen to make some pasta. When I was finished, I walked over to them and called them.

"Hey, follow me," I say as they look at each other and silently follow me.

"Come on, let's eat, help yourself that's the plate and utensils," they look at each other with a shock expression, but eventually eat. I finished first, so I just watched them eat, and when they were finished, I took their plate and washed it. They're still staring at me after I've finished cleaning our dishes.

"As you know, we had a meeting earlier and decided that you could stay here and train with us if you want," I explained. They exchange glances, unsure of what they will do.

"It appears that you are unsure. So, how about this? Just stay tonight because it's already dark, and I'll ask you tomorrow for your decision. Is that all right? " I go on, and they both nod.

"Okay, follow me, there are two empty rooms on floor 20 that are next to each other, that will be your room for tonight." They followed me to the elevator, and when we got to the 20th floor, there were only four doors, so I knocked on the first. The door swung open, revealing new out from the bathroom Steve.

"Hello, Wanda and Pietro. How can I assist you?" he said.

"Could you lend Pietro some clothes?" I ask

"Sure, Piet," he replied. Pietro trailed him.

"Let's go Wanda, I have some clothes I haven't worn yet, I'll give them to you," I said without looking, sensing her surprise. Wanda didn't come in and just stood at the door when I opened my room, so I just get the clothes I bought last week. When I return to the hallway, Pietro and Steve has rejoined Wanda.

"As you can see, this is my room, and Steve's is next to it. You can use the door across from Steve, Pietro, and the door across from mine, Wanda. Ask me or Steve if you need anything" I said. They nod and enter their room. I shrug as I look at Steve.

"They said they're going to consider staying here. I'm going to change my clothes as well, see you later Captain" I kiss his cheeks and walk into my room.

I'm hoping they'll stay here.


lol idk where this story going 💀

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