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That's when Bakuguo refused to listen and then used his hybrid powers, to set Denkis hair on fire; but after one member of staff left to deal with that, Aizawa called someone on his Phone which brings us to now Angel tried to convince him but he was still invisible and the thing about his hybrid part is that he's a snake so he has no body heat so they couldn't use a heat scanner, to detect him!

This instantly made everything harder for everyone and Angel teleports Toga then explained they needed help so Toga tried to follow the blood, but she couldn't find where about he is though "I'm sorry the only place I know he could be is in the attic or the Vent and I can't tell which one because I sense two types in both places so I'm not sure if he went up or not to trick us!" 

Only then Shinso came in and found him instantly by doing this "Dad move out the way and let me try I have an Idea and that's why Eri is with me (whispers to him) ERI no don't touch that you don't want to remember about that thing do you!? *But Shinso it's red I like red oh Shinso theirs a shiny pointy toy* (another razor he forgot about) NO Eri don't touch it it will hurt you, Eri you wouldn't want to see blood right rember what happened when Kota saw it he was frightened of it as he knows the damage of losing blood can be after watching all those doctor shows!".

But then Bakuguo then slips out a whimper letting everyone know that he's in the ceiling right now, so Endevour was signalled to get him! Bakuguo on the other hand then scratched the hell out of him as his animal instincts took over and he went to snake form which might I add Endevour is scared of them!

Meanwhile Shinso then grabs  him by the chest securely and drags him to the big snake cage as Bakuguos snake, is a big Anaconda snake taller then All might and Aizawa standing on top of one another.

To then put him in  and then said "no choit ca suffit de se comforter maintenant et nous ne nous blessons pas non plus" (is suppose to means "no you don't have a choice do not hurt others")  Which Bakuguo understood in snake form, (A/N in his animal form he doesn't understand English as when he went through his transformation, the person who looked after him could only speak French so she taught him French) so they all see him slither around until he is in a resting position.

Then after several hours of trying to change him back and feed him foods as Toga alerted them that he didn't eat at all today as his lunched hasn't been eaten and he didn't eat breakfast! "Bakuguo snake form or not you need to eat food!" Only Aizawa should of been more careful on what he was saying as Monoma was insulting Denki who had short circuited again, then he slithers behind him and then licks his lips making everyone scream and hide!?

Unfortunately Bakuguo was about to eat him but, when a panicking Monoma thought he was going to die... he almost didn't because Shinso came up to him and then said "Bakuguo Katuski no he is not to be eaten yes I get he is a prick (Monoma= " hey!") but no back to the cage now...".

Did that mean Bakuguo listened to Shinso... absolutely not he then started to squeeze the life out of Monoma waiting for something instead, then hissed and Eri ran in to then shout out in a cross tone "Mr BAKUGUO NO MATTER WHAT THAT MEANIE SAID NO YOU ARE NOT DOING THAT, SO PUT HIM DOWN THIS INSTANT OR I WILL TAKE MR SNUGGLES AWAY!".

That's when Bakuguo let him go to then recovery girl takes him away, while Bakuguo is then surrounded by the teachers and Shinso, telling the other student to go outside instead! Then Bakuguo whimpers when they touch his mouth to open it for the food, then Aizawa understood what's wrong and called recovery girl over.

"No (whines) get off that hurts, no don't want to eat get of my ugly, self and leave my teeth alone   all of you!". But then recovery girl comes in and looks into his mouth and then said "Oh baby is that why you don't want to eat!?" Bakuguo whines nodding his head to slither back to his cage, to toys.

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