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Sofia sits up from her midday nap when she feels Mirabel gently shake her awake. She sees the new small town roll into view. She smiles excitedly.

"We're just going to stop here, thank you so much sir!" Mirabel says politely. He nods and lifts up his hand in a silent goodbye. He slows down enough for Mirabel to help herself and her daughter off.

Mirabel takes Sofia's hand. The little girl keeps one arm slung around her bear.

"Stand here mariposita, what do you see?" Mirabel asks, moving Sofia over so she can see the view miles and miles in front of them.

"That's a big mountain Mamá," Sofia whispers in awe. She reaches her hand out to trace the large crack that splits it down the middle.

"It is, isn't it? We just have one more climb to make, mi vida."

Sofia furrows her eyebrows. She looks to her mother in honest confusion. Mirabel kneels to her height. She tenderly moves her fingertips along her face.

"You are my heart and my light, Sofia Madrigal. There is no one in this life I want to share my greatest adventures with. Stick with me?" Mirabel asks delicately. She holds up her hand.

"Always Mamá." Sofia interlocks her hand with Mirabel's. They squeeze each other's hands and begin walking down the path.

They walk together in silence. Sofia keeps her thoughts to herself and she keeps up alongside her mother. And Maribel is far too wrapped herself to say much.

Ten years ago she made the same walk in the opposite direction. Then she was scared. And hurt, and guilt-ridden. Still those feelings lingered. They hadn't ever fully gone away. But now she knew somethings were simply made to challenge her and make her feel things she refused to feel. Maribel knew she wasn't the same girl. The little girl at her side proved that much. Now she had a little human worth fighting for. If this wasn't for herself, it was for the amazing little girl who always walked beside her. No matter how difficult or scary the road looked.

Mirabel swallows nervously as they approach the split mountain. But Sofia trudged ahead. Her curls bounce around her cheeks and her eyes shines with determination. For a moment a mother saw herself, and all the reasons to keep climbing.

The two walk close to each other. Sofia leads the way, one hand tugging up her skirt.

"It's beautiful," Sofia says in awe.

"It really is," Mirabel agrees. Her eyes wander the beautiful green that surround them. It feels prettier than what it felt ten years ago. But then again, her eyes were more full of tears than beauty.

Sofia excitedly pulls on her mothers hand. They continue walking. They hardly feel any ache in their bones. Sofia too busy pointing out the nature in their sight, and her mother too busy trying to fathom what people say.

Mirabel harbored no shame about her daughter. But she still felt anxious about what she left unsaid. There were a million things her head and her heart begged to speak, but none of the things ever made it. Instead she ran as far as she comfortably could. She thought maybe, if she had space and time she could figure it out. However, she got too comfortable in her misery and fear. It trapped her.

By the time they make it on the other side the sun is setting. Mirabel tugs Sofia close. She hugs her tightly. They stand together, looking down at the little village.

"This is where we're stopping?" Sofia asks. Mirabel nods. She smiles grimly, but puts on a brave face for her girl.

"Yes. Shall we?" She holds her hand. Sofia looks down at it and smiles widely. She takes it.

Together they carefully walk down the steep mountain hill. Sofia clings to her mothers skirt. She watches her feet to the houses that come into greater view.

At the bottom, they stand unmoving. Mirabel's hand shakes nervously. Sofia tightens her grip on her mothers hand. She looks up and tugs on her Mamá's skirt. Mirabel gratefully lifts her up.

"Are you scared?" Sofia asks hesitantly. She pushes back her hair like Mirabel does with her.

"No, mi amor, just overwhelmed."


"Come on love. We should get walking."

Mirabel carries her daughter as they walk. She hopes her hat and her change of hairstyle and clothing makes people ignore her. While it used to sit just above her shoulders, it was now mid shoulder, but always put up in a bun similar to her mothers old hairstyle.

At this time most of the people are in their homes with their families. And people who are outside pay little mind to the woman and her daughter. They're busy cleaning after their animals or doing evening chores.

Mirabel marches ahead. She only comes to a sudden halt when she sees the rebuilt home sitting back on its hill. She swallows nervously.

Mirabel sets Sofia back on her feet. She looks down at her beautiful little girl who clings to her skirt. She rests her hand behind her back and nods.

"Mi mariposita. I love you so much," Mirabel tells Sofia tenderly.

"I love you more, Mamá."

Mirabel finally nods. She shakes Sofia's hand and they begin walking up towards the house.

Each step reminds her of a memory, any memory. They all flood in and make her sad, angry, bitter and incredibly happy all at once. Her family is the reason for everything she feels. The negatives and the positives. Her guilt and her joy. It pulls her forward.

Mirabel gazes at all the candles that are lit up along the path to the door. Her throat tightens as they flicker, almost as if waving her home.

They step in front of the door. Mirabel raises her hand, but it falters. She brings her hand to her chest and she feels like running away again.

Sofia looks to her with a tint of curiosity.

"Can I?" She asks.

Mirabel looks down to her. She breathes in and nods. She gently urges her forward.

Sofia raises her hand against the wood and knocks. She steps back.

Mirabel's heart races in her chest as they wait. They hear footsteps and she closes her eyes. She stands completely still as the door creeks open. She holds Sofia close, close as she can. She feels like she's the only thing that feels familiar in the moment.


candles to guide you home (Encanto AU) Where stories live. Discover now