005. ❛ dance ❜

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"I can't believe you just did that!" I scowl at Camilo, giving him a glare

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"I can't believe you just did that!" I scowl at Camilo, giving him a glare.

"Oh come on Amor! It was funny!" He beams with a bark of laughter, as I stood across from him with my arms crossed over my chest.

"You think I'm cute~" He teases, jumping over the table between us, then pocking my sides.

You might be wondering? Why am I suddenly mad at him? Well, when I woke up I went in the towns market- which was all set up outside.

"Good morning, Rosa!" A man called out to me, with a basket of laundry in her arms.

"Hello, Mr Rodriguez!" The town has grown comfortable fairly quickly with my family. I was sort of getting allot more comfortable now since I've been not trying to hide my tattoos anymore. Yes, I do get a little stares and questions about it but I just tell them all the same thing.

"Oh it's nothing special really, they just suddenly appeared when I was younger" Then, there would be little kids asking what each meant. I still didn't know of course that part, but I would just tell them a cute resemblance of what I think it means.

But as I was saying, I was walking into the market. And went up to a woman that was selling flowers. I merely was just looking, when I saw a beautiful deep red blossom flower.

"Is there anyone special in your life?" I look up to see a woman, smiling at me from across the flower table.


"Do you have anyone special in your life?" She asked with a small smirk, watering some of the flowers. I laugh with a small shrug, still browsing at the flowers.

"No, not really" I said with a laugh, my cheeks starting to turn red.

"Oh come on, how about that Madrigal boy? You sure have been hanging out with him allot" I chuckled, glancing at the woman.

"Camilo?" I ask as she nodded, a little to eagerly. I look back down at the flowers with a smile.

"Well I mean, yeah he's very cute and- CAMILO!?" I look back just to see him- who was shape shifted as the flower owner.

"Hello mi amor"

And that's what got us here. To me glaring at him and him thinking its funny, teasing me.

"Can you stop poking me!" I scowl with a pout, as he pulled me into a hug.

"Stooopp! You embarrassed me!" I croaked, trying to get out of his embrace which he had a strong hold on.

"You think I'm cute" He mumbled happily, as he sets his head on mines. His arms around my neck, squishing me on to him.

"Ok, okay! Let me go" I say, as he finally let's go of me making me stumble a little backwards.

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