A Bit of Me.

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I woke up again and just looked around. I wondered where I was… I knew I was in a hospital and the Alpha Kid said his pack's name, but how far did I really go? So deep in thoughts, I was startled by hearing the door slowly opening. There he was, the handsome Alpha kid. I really wondered why he saved me. Why didn’t he just leave me there to die? He noticed I was up. 

“Hey there, how are you feeling?” I looked up at his face, wow he’s beautiful. I shook my head trying to focus. 

“I’m feeling much better, I healed pretty quickly. Thank you, I truly appreciate you.” I shyly smiled. 

“What’s your name?” He slowly walked to the end of my hospital bed. 

“Meeah Lee.” I whispered. 

“Meeah.” He smiled. The way my name just rolled off his tongue made my insides turn and feel all warm. 

“Hello Meeah.” He smiled again. What a beautiful sight. “That’s a beautiful name by the way.” Blushing, I thanked him. He chuckled. 

“My father wants to speak to you.” I nodded shyly. Oh boy I hoped he was just as nice as the Alpha kid. Because I would not have known what to do if he was mean. The Alpha kids' eyes glossed over, then he looked at me. 

“I’ll be here, don’t worry I won’t leave you alone.” I smiled and thanked him. 

I couldn’t lie… I was so scared. I didn’t know who he was. What if he was the one who I was running from? What would I do then? Goddess, please let this be a helping hand. I was brought out of thought when I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was the same warmth I felt the day I was attacked then carried. The Alpha kid. Leelan, that was his name I believed. I looked up to see a man walking into the room. 

“Hello, I’m Alpha Theo and who are you little wolf?” With my head down I whispered, “Meeah Lee sir.” I knew he heard me, we are werewolves after all.  I decided to look up and I could instantly see the resemblance between the two. He nodded and began his questioning. 

“And where are you coming from? Why would a young wolf like you, be wandering around in the forest alone?” My head instantly went down and my eyes began to gloss up, with unshed tears. But I tried my best to hold it in. Leelan noticed and touched my shoulder. 

“If you aren’t ready, we’d understand.” I shook my head and decided to speak. 

“I no longer have a pack, they were all killed and I escaped…” They both looked at me with shock, but neither spoke. “My parents were Alpha and Luna. I was their only child. Once the attack began, my mother made me run and never look back… '' I sighed. “I’ve been alone ever since. I’m not sure how long it’s been or even how far I’ve gone.” My eyes were getting watery and again I felt his warm hand on my shoulder. 

“You have somewhere to stay, I won’t allow you to be alone again.” I was lost for words. Why did he care so much? The same questions continued to juggle in my mind. Because I just couldn’t understand how a stranger could do so much for a random wolf. One he found close to dying. I was brought out of those thoughts by the Alphas voice.

“How old are you Meeah?” That question threw me off but I answered anyway. 

“I’m fifteen Alpha, I will be sixteen December second.” He looked at Leelan, then at me. 

“My daughter's birthday is the first. We will have a room ready for you when you’re discharged.” He turns to Leelan. “When you’re done here, come to my office.” With that he waved goodbye and left. 

“I should go talk to him. It’s 7:00 pm. I'll come back before I have to go for the night.” I nodded, smiled and waved goodbye.

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