Where to now?

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I left…

I was afraid, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Now that I was no longer in Alpha Lion's territory, there was no one to back me up. ‘Goddess please be with me.’ I thought to myself. With her help I’ll make it to where I’m destined to go. The journey has begun.

I wasn’t sure how long it’s been days, weeks, months. Maybe just weeks. I don't think it’s been even a month yet, but I could be completely wrong. I wasn’t sure where I was, I was just hoping I did get far enough where no one could find me. I was exhausted. I ran for hours to get away from Alpha Lions territory. I stopped, every so often, at a river to hydrate and continued my journey. 

I was surviving on rabbits and little animals I had run into. I needed some rest. I was completely drained. So much that my vision began to blur. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could go. I needed to find myself some shelter somewhere. Maybe a cave or a deep hole in a tree trunk, I just needed somewhere that could hide me for a bit. 

I continued walking and looking around to see if I could find a place. That’s when I noticed a huge tree with a big hole in the trunk. So, I slipped in, found the best way to get comfortable and fell into a deep sleep. I was completely exhausted.

I was woken up to sudden movement sounds not too far from outside of the trunk that I was in. Ruffling sounds and steps. I jumped out of the hole, as I realized the horrible scent. The smell was so bad I couldn’t even hold the gag in. There’s only one kind of a wolf that could give such a horrible smell and there is no good that comes with it. 


A rogue wolf is a wolf who lost its sanity. It goes by no rules at all! My first thought was to RUN!!! I was running as fast as I could and I thought I lost them. Slowing down so I could catch my breath. Big mistake! 

Suddenly, I was surrounded and my last thought was ‘I tried my best Goddess’ . I failed. Like a snap of a finger they started attacking me, all at once. I felt every scratch, every tear and every bite. My vision had begun to blur and everything was beginning to feel like a daze. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could hold off. 

Then, it was quiet… 

No more bites.

 No more scratches.

 No more growls.


 Just silence. 

Am I dead? I questioned myself. NO! I couldn’t be, right? I was too weak, I couldn't open my eyes and I couldn't hear a thing. Next thing I knew, I felt my body being lifted from the ground. 

Such warmth.

Then nothing. 


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