Part 1

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  Poe: H-hey Ranpo? :<

Ranpo: Morning Poe! What is it?

  Poe: Would you like to come over and read a new mystery book I wrote last night?

Ranpo: Sure! ...Will there be snacks?

  Poe: O-of course (っ^▿^)

Ranpo: Yay! I'll be there soon

Ranpo has gone offline.

  Poe: Wait n-now?!

Poe has gone offline.


*Poe POV*

Oh dear, I forgot to tell him I'm not free right now Karl. Karl, my pet racoon, crawls up my shoulder and pats me on the head with his adorable little paw.

'Thank you Karl' (─‿‿─)

I sigh and look at the state of my apartment, and quickly pack my papers and pens away. Karl goes to help me clean but ends up sticking his nose in one of Ranpo's snack packets he left from last time he came over.



*knock knock*

'Hello Poe, are you in there?'

I hear quiet shuffling until I see a crack in the door.


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