A New Perspective

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"Quick, hide!" I whisper scream at him, before going to answer the door.

"Oh thank god it's only you, Tía Pepa." I sigh with relief. "You can come out now, Camilo. You should be leaving anyways."

"Oh come on!" He says with a sad face, before reluctantly leaving. 

"What did you come in here for, Tía Pepa?" I ask her, wondering why she wanted to see me. 

"Just that," she says pointing at Camilo, who's walking out the door. "I'm fine with whatever is going on between you two, but Abuela will not be happy if she finds out. I went to Camilo's room, and when he wasn't in there, I knew he was in here, so be more careful. Otherwise, it might be Abuela next time. "

I nodded, thanked her, and told her that I'd be more careful. 


I had another day like normal, everyone asking me to see what someone else is up to. Since this happens to me so often, I stay in my room most of the time. 

It happens around home a lot, too. No one really comes up to me, unless they want me to tell them something that I know, or they want me to eavesdrop. 

Sometimes I feel like my gift turned out to be more of a curse. My gift does have its perks though, some conversations are fun to listen to, and it can be nice knowing the village gossip without having to move a muscle.

I needed to get some rest, I was tired of constantly being pestered, and forced to listen in to people's everyday rights. 

After a while of napping, I get up, and see that it's almost time for dinner. God, how long was I asleep for? I asked myself before heading downstairs to help set the table.

Everyone but y/n comes down for dinner, of course they're late. 

"Dolores, is y/n on their way down yet?" Camilo asks.

I listened around, nope, nope, oh- footsteps. 

"Yeah, they're just around the corner," I say right as y/n walks in. Perfect timing Dolores, I saw to myself.

Everyone has their own separate conversations, and I rush up to my room immediately after I'm done. 

Why does no one ever want to talk to me? They only need me for my gift, I thought as I started to cry. 

After a few minutes of sobbing into my pillow, I heard Abuela talking, but there wasn't another voice speaking. Who was she talking to? 

"Pedro, I'm sorry," I heard her say in a heartbreaking voice. 

Was she talking to- Abuelo? 

After listening to their conversation for a few minutes, I heard something that completely shocked me.

I have to find y/n. 


I woke up from a long, and much needed nap, and checked the time. Oh shoot, I'm totally going to miss dinner. 

I sprinted down the stairs, and walked in the kitchen, thankfully, they had all just gotten seated, so I wasn't too late. 

I grabbed my food, and sat down in my usual seat, feeling glares coming from Abuela's direction. I ignored her, and started to chat with Mirabel. 

I looked over, and say that Dolores looked really upset. i tried to eat as fast as I coul, so that I could talk to her. 

When I finished, I was about to go talk to her, when she bolted up to her room. I figured it would be better to leave her be, and not disrupt her. 

Just as I lay down on my bed, I hear a knock on my door. Ugh can I ever get peace and quiet, I think to myself as I stomp my feet on the ground, while walking up to the door. I open it and see Camilo standing there with a cheesy grin on his face. 

I grab his arm, and yank him into my room, "You know that you can't just wait outside of my room, right? What if Abuela saw us, you know what she would do," I say to him. 

"Relax, I'm sorry. It won't happen again," He says reassuringly. "The only thing I needed to say anyways, was to grab a bathing suit, we're going swimming." He says as he winks and transforms into me, and leaves my room. 

Smart, everyone will just think its me leaving my room. 

I put on a cute bathing suit, and toss a pair of shorts and a shirt over, as I head out my door. I sneak out of my house, and start on my walk to the cave. 

By the time I finally get there, I see Camilo already there, wearing nothing but him swim trunks. I take off my shorts and shirt, and walk over to him, as he stands in front of me, speechless. 

"You're beautiful," he whispers into me ear while checking me out. He leans in to kiss me, and I lean in, but shove him in the pond, right as out lips grazed each other. 

"Oh come on!" He pouts, as I jump in the water. "I'm gonna get you back for that one. 

We talk for a while, and finally decide to head home after about an hour. 

I quickly sneak in through the door, and he follows a couple minutes after. 

It was getting kind of late by then. so mostly everybody should've been getting ready for bed. 

I go to do the same, and find Mirabel brushing her teeth in the bathroom, so I patiently waited for her to finish. Once she did, we talked for a while before she finally headed back to her room for bed. 

I finished brushing my teeth, and by that point, I was half asleep. I walked back to my room, looking like a zombie. 

I plop onto my bed, and fall asleep in an instant. 

My sleep was peaceful, and the dream was a pretty good one, until I heard someone knock on the door, before opening it, walking in, and slamming it. 

Dolores looked around, and I could see a look of relief on her face as she saw that I was here, but I could still see her panicking. 

"D? What's wrong?"

"We need to talk, y/n," she said as her pupils widened, and I could tell she was nervous. 

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