Someone's Here Early

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The 8 of us are supposed to meet at my beach house the night before prom so we can have plenty of time to get ready for the prom in the morning. The guys and girls are split up into different rooms, so I got to be with Soul Black Star and Crona, none of which know my biggest secret.

I walked into the beach house to tidy it up a bit before everyone got there. And by a bit I mean make everything perfect. I grabbed a vaccum to vaccum up dust and started thinking of my conversation with Maka yesterday. She's the only one who knows my biggest secret.

"Maka, can I trust you with something that I've never told anyone before?" I said.

"Sure, but why me? You seem to trust the guys a lot more." Maka said.

"Because I don't think the guys would understand. They would make fun of me for it, and I've already had enough of everyone making fun of my for my symmetry 'problem'" I said, putting quotation marks with my fingers around "problem" as I flopped onto the couch.

"Okay then, you can trust me. I promise, your secret is safe with me." Maka replied.

"I-I think I'm in love w-with" I said, hesitating a lot.

"With who? Liz? Patti? Tsubaki?" Maka asked me.

"Soul....." I said awkwardly. Maka stared at me for a second and smiled.

"Wow, I really wasn't expecting that." Maka replied.

"Just don't let anyone know, okay? Especially not Soul...." I said, drifting off.

My thoughts on my conversation with Maka were interrupted when I heard a knock on the door. I checked my watch and saw nobody was supposed to be here for another 5 hours.

"Why the heck is someone already here?" I asked myself. I peeked out the window of the room I was in, since it gave a pretty good view of the front porch. I panicked when I saw my dad down there, knowing that he may have been watching when I talked to Maka yesterday. I went to the door, praying that wasn't the case.

I opened the door and the first thing I heard was "REAPER-CHOP" as my dad's hand hit my head and my vision blurred for a second.

"Oww! What the heck was that for?" I asked while rubbing my head.

"When were you planning to tell me about how you felt about men?!?" My dad said to me.

"You were watching me when I was talking to Maka yesterday?" I yelled at him.

"Yes, I was, and I'm disappointed, Kid!" My dad said.

"See, this is why I didn't tell you!" I screamed at him. "You need to stop invading my privacy all the time by looking in your stupid mirrors all the time! I have things in my life that I prefer to keep secret from everyone!"

"You didn't seem to want to keep it a secret from Maka!" he started yelling. "I can't believe you feel that way about Soul.... I can't believe my son is gay...." His voice cracked and I realized he might have been crying under his mask because he couldn't accept this.

"So what if I'm gay! If you can't accept that, then you aren't a good father!" I yelled at him, and I didn't care if it might have made his crying worse, if he even was crying.

"I'm proud of you Kiddo." He said. I tilted my head in confusion. Just a minute ago he was saying he was disappointed, and now he was saying he was proud.

"I thought you said you were disappointed....." I said.

"I was disappointed that you were keeping things secret from me. You know what happened last time you kept secrets from me...." my father said.

"That's way different! Those secrets were mom's secrets, not mine! I know I should have told you when I found out, but mom made me promise not to, and then ran off with me!" I said. It was a long story as to what that secret was, and I didn't really want to talk about it. I wanted to forget it all happened, forget that my mom cheated on my dad, forget that she faked her death to protect her baby that wasn't his, and forget that her own son and my half brother killed her in the end.

"And you promised you wouldn't keep any more secrets from me after that, and you didn't promise me, you promised yourself." he pointed out.

"I may have promised that, but I don't think you understand how hard it is to tell someone about it, no matter how close they are." I said. After that, there was a long, silent gap between what I said and his next words.

"That's why I also said I'm proud of you." He said.

Until the footsteps stopped, I hadn't noticed them nearby, and I couldn't help but listen to the conversation between the two people the footsteps came from.

Okay, for anyone saying that Kid's dad wouldn't be upset if his son was gay, he isn't. He's only upset that Kid didn't feel like he could tell him that secret, that's all. Since this is Kid's point of view, you wouldn't see that Kid actually cut off his dad's sentence when he was saying he couldn't believe his son was gay because Kid didn't realize he interrupted his dad. The full sentence would have been "I can't believe my song is gay and thought I wouldn't accept him."

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