𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓

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Marsai Pov 

Zendaya barged in my room in excitement ''ok number one knock next time please'' I say in a joking matter see the thing is I have a bond with my sister that nobody can break anyways ''sorry Marsai butt I have some great news ok, so you know how our agents said that we have a week break due to them having to sign papers and stuff like that ... ''

 she says while I'm nodding to see where she's  going with this ''well I have an idea that we surprise the hollands'' omg I can finally see paddy- I mean the hollands of course ''Yass ok for how long are we staying'' I ask while jumping up and down with excitement ''for a week so get to packing we leave tonight because it take us all night to get there'' tonight say less ''ok get out so I can pack....... BEST DAY EVER!

A/N-Hey Guys Author Here Lmao Sorry this is a short chapter, but should I update? 

Meant to Be //paddy HollandWhere stories live. Discover now