𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒔 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒘𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆

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Marsai Pov 

Ok so lemma get this correct I'm leaving tonight to go surprise my crush and his family and I'm staying with them for a week and only Dom and Nikki know okay okay breath Marsai breath 

*Fast forward because I'm lazy *

Me and Zendaya are at the airport "flight 68 b is taking off in 10 minutes " the annocome says what if paddy don't want to see me what if he hates me what if- "there's our flight " Zendaya says snapping me out of my thoughts I nod and smile because what can possibly go wrong lmaoo .

Me and Zendaya are on our flight and I'm just chilling while watching My show black -Ish Lol I know I'm an actress, but it wouldn't hurt to watch my own shows I decided to take a break and text paddy 

Paster ❤️

Heyy M 


Sup pads wyd 


Nothing much bored out of mind hbu ?

Market 🙃

Same but wyd tm?

Paster ❤️

Uh nothing much prob just chilling watching tv why?

Marker 🙃

Ohhh nothing doesn't worry about it but hey I gtg bye love u 

Paster ❤️

Yeah, ok love ya too 

Marsai Pov 

Whew that was close, but I think I played it off well but knowing his smart ass probably know something is up,

my eyes are getting droopy ....

I woke up to Zendaya shaking me "Yō mar wake up we're here " I groan a leave me alone Zendaya smiles and say, " oh ok so u don't want to see paddy?" When she said that I immediately got up and said " well what are we waiting for get up idiot " I say while shooing her out the seat and getting my things see Zendaya kind of already knows about my crush on paddy not only her paddy family have shipped us since we were 13 lmao but we didn't pay it no mind.

*Time skipped because I'm a lazy bitch *

Me and Zendaya arrived at our hotel right now we are in our room unpacking since we are staying here for a week " ok here's the plan we are going to drive to the Holland's residence since you know Nikki and Dom know about the surprise and we are going to walk in and say, "anybody miss us " it's cheesy but funny " Zendaya says while laughing "ok let's get operation surprise the Holland's on the road !!" I say while Me and Zendaya begin 

 doing our handshake, me and Zendaya are heading out the hotel building into our Uber ....

A/n - lmao this is a bad chapter but anyways I don't know if They have Ubers in the U.K since I'm from the U.S so I'm sorry if I'm stating wrong facts about the U.K.

Meant to Be //paddy HollandWhere stories live. Discover now