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I turn my head out the pillow to see Kat standing leaning against the door with his arms behind his back doing his breathing exercise he does when he gets very mad. He's come such a long way in the past year. I remember in the first week of us dating every time he got frustrated his hands would spark and he couldn't control it, now his hands don't even sweat when he gets mad.

I know it took him a long time to get here and he's trying to get even better so he can understand people better and be a better hero.

I get up from laying down and up on the bed with my feet touching the floor, the nausea still there. I stil there for a minute to try and collect my thoughts. I wait for the nausea to go down a bit. I get up from where I'm sitting and walk up to him. I stand just a few inches away close enough to let him know I'm here but far enough so I'm not touching him. I lean forward and lay my head on his shoulder, we stay like this for a few seconds. I close my eyes basking in his warmth. A little time goes by and he wraps his arms around me. We stay like that for what feels like forever.

He knocks his chin against my forehead to let me know to look up. Kat isn't very vocal when he's trying to calm down so we came up with signals for him to show me what he wants during this time. I look up, keeping my eyes closed. I feel his forehead touch mine, just a little longer. I nod and continue to do deep breathing with him.

His lips are now on my forehead almost there. I boop his chin with my nose. Ok, I don't like to talk when he's in this state. I feel as though the silence calms us both down.

He starts to sway us. I could stay in his arms forever. Just here in my little happy place. The one place where we both can be ourselves.

Kat takes one last deep breath before he pulls away and looks at me in the eyes. ( yes kiri opened his eyes already keep up)

"Hi" i say while looking at him

"Hey sunshine" he breathes

"Are you feeling better?" I ask in a quiet voice as if we were in the middle of a crowd trying not to let other people hear us.

He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes "yeah" he sighs

I hum in acknowledgement. I pull back a little bit more so I can see him entirely but staying close enough so we can still hold each other. Moments like these are rare. Where we just stay in eachothers arms no words said between the two of us yet so much being said.

He smirks and then quickly picks me up from my thighs and throws me on the bed. I yelp from the sudden movement. He quickly jumps onto me.

"Gettt offff" I groan.I push at his shoulders and try to roll him off. "Youre to heavyyyy" I make sure to drag out the word. " Are you calling me FAT" He gasp in sarcasm. "Yes now get offffff" I giggle but quickly stop, I gotta keep my composure. He smirks knowing he won because of the giggle. " Nope" he says as he moves back and forth to make himself comfortable on my chest.

I sigh in defeat. I bring my hands up to play with his hair. Ya know how his hair is very spiky and it looks like it would hurt if you touch it. Well it's actually very soft and fluffy. I'm honestly jealous that he doesn't have to style his hair. If I was forced to name one thing that I didn't like about him it would be his perfect hair.

I look over to the clock and it says 5:00. It's Friday, parents day is Saturday from 10am-3pm. One more day. I Should call Hina later to ask if she's coming. She's tried so hard to get me to like her since she married my dad. I remember my parents divorcing when I was 8. My dad came home one day to find me with a black eye and my mom passed out cold from drinking with her one night stand on the couch. I was in the kitchen cleaning up glass she threw at me when he came home.

He immediately picked me up and started hugging me after he saw my eye. It was the first time I ever remember him hugging me, and telling me he loved me. He was gone so much for work that I barely ever saw him and when he was home he was either sleeping or doing work and couldn't be bothered. There were a few times he hung out with me, he took me to the zoo once when I was 6 it was my first time ever being there. I loved it.

I miss him. I know he is always busy with work, and spending bonding time with Hina's kids. Is it selfish to say I want some of his time to myself? I just wanna talk to him. Ask him how his day was. Talk about hero training. Tell him about me and Kat. He's the first one I want to tell. I know he'll accept me. I mean I sure hope he does. He is Bi. The only way I know this information was because i remember my mom calling him a fag. And some "friends" coming around. I think that's also another reason they got divorced.

I think Hina, my stepmom , wishes I would call her mom. I think it's weird because she has a kid of her own. I want to. I really do, but it's just hard. I never had a mother figure in my life. My dad remarried when I was 14. So a year before I got into UA. So I never really got to hang out with Hina. I don't even really know her. Any time we talk it's just awkward, and I don't know how to make it not awkward. Her kid is ok. I think i've talked to them maybe once and it was them telling me they use they/them pronouns. That was it. I don't have their number, or social media.

It's 5:30 now, I look to see Kat on his phone texting his dad about parents. "You finally come back to earth" He mumbles because his face is squished into my pec. I move my hand from his hair down to his jaw and neck pushing him up. He understands what I want and moves so he's on his knees, my legs over them and my ass on his lap. He grabs right below my hip on my ass. His face is calm and clear.

I gently tug on his face. He gives a small smile and leans to kiss me. I close my eyes before our lips content. When they do I can't help but silently scream. I don't think it'll matter how many times we kiss, it's always gonna feel like the first. I can feel him move his lips a little, he shifts upward a bit as well.

He gently nibbles on my lip. I can't help giggle. He moves back so our lips are still touching. I can feel him smirking. He goes on to me with a little more force and licks them asking to be let in. I gasp as his hand moves further down my ass to kneed it. As soon as I open my mouth he shoves his tongue in exploring everything like it's his first time kissing me like this. He continues to kiss me like this but not rough it's soft, calming, loving.

His hands wander around my body, and I let him. He's the only one I ever want to touch me like this. I move to kneel so he has to tilt his neck all the way back. I move my hands to cup his neck and ears. He moves his hands to grab and pull apart my ass. "Kat" I gasp my back arches into his rough calloused hands. "You like that baby, what a slut like you must love being manhandled" he whispers into my ear then he kisses down my neck biting lightly enough to not leave marks "Come on baby say something" I silently whine, I feel like I'm about to cum just from him rubbing my ass.

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