"I love you"

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Alessio's POV 

I wake up from the sun in my face and feel a weight on my arm. She didn't move. We stayed in this same position all night. I couldn't help but slowly pull her in even closer than she already was. 


Me and Alessio had a simple morning, we ate breakfast, hungout, and talked but me and Desi had to get straight to training and Alessio had to deal with Lucas so we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. Desi and I had been practicing non-stop since 10am and I couldn't help but keep remembering how last night felt like such a dream. I stood there not realizing Desi had said "Go" and completely eating Desi's back kick and falling to the floor. 

"OMG Y/N, I'm so sorry" Desi screamed running to pick me up. 

"No, no, I'm okay don't worry about it" I say trying to keep myself from throwing up.

"Keep your head up please, don't keep letting things distract you" She says signaling knowing I have been in a different planet for while. 

"Yes, sorry. But, you seemed to have never told me about what happened between you and Tom last night" I say as we start our formation back up. 

"Uhm just looking over the city, that's all" she says swinging a punch. 

Dodging the punch I respond with "mhmmm c'mon you never leave out details!" I sighed in frustration. 

"Hit me first then" 

"Deal" me and desi make eye contact and within seconds going into full force grinning as we tried taking one another down. 


After what seemed to feel like ages, me and Desi called it a day and decided to head home. As we were driving home we saw lines of cars leaving our neighborhood. Me and Desi looked at one another confused causing Desi to drive faster. As we approached our house we had noticed what was causing so much commotion. 

"OUR HOUSE" screamed Desi. 

I run outside the car and look in complete shock as our house was in flames. I was too stunned to speak as Desi yelled rushing fire fighters to hurry up as the flames started to get bigger. 

"Ma'am you both have to leave, this fire is not going down anytime soon" a firefighter says. 

"NO, we are not leaving, THIS. IS. OUR. HOME." Desi says in so much anger. 

"Ma'am there's nothing else we can do, in approximately 15 minutes this fire will effect 4-6 other houses and we can't stop it. We need you to leave!" as firefighter pushed us towards our car. 

"Y/N! Y/N!" I hear as I am still in shock to move or speak. 

Alessio, Mia, and Jenna came running up to me. 

"Nilla, I'm sorry but we have to go" Alessio says tryin to rush me out of the way as a huge spark bursts causing a bigger flame. 

I didn't move. 

"What caused this" I finally asked. 

"From what this looks like, an electrical malfunction" Memories burn through my mind. 


"I can't stand here doing nothing" I whisper. 


"I'm sorry". 

I levitated myself to get a higher look and looking down one last time at those who I love and then began channeling the power within me to absorb this fire. No one else can stop it and eventually it would burn so many homes. Using the rage and hatred I have on dad only made my power larger . I started to absorb the fire inch by inch as it started to consume me. I used the love and friendships I have to keep my body going as I watch the fire decrease. It was then when I realized the power I could hold. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2023 ⏰

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