20 Unspoken Rules For a Man

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1. Never shake a mans hand sitting Down

2. In a negotiation never make the first Offer

3. When entrusted with a secret, always keep it

4. If you need music on the beach you're missing the point 

5. You Marry the woman, you marry her family

6. Give credit, Take blame

7. Return a borrowed car with a full tank of fuel

8. Don't let a wishbone grow where a backbone should be

9. Always request a late checkout

10. Play with passion or don't Play at all

11. Silence is confidence

12. Stand up to bullies, protect the bullied

13. Don't take anything personal

14. Never enter the pool by the stairs

15. Never eat the last piece of something if you didn't buy it

16. If it doesn't concern you, mind your own business

17. Forgive, but never forget

18. The first time visiting someone's place you bring something

19. Be a good listener, Don't just take your turn to talk

20. Manners make the man

I wonder how many of these people would agree with and which would be considered more right

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