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Luckystar leapt over a bramble thicket and landed on the other side, panting. In her mouth swung a kit; Ravenkit.

"Luckystar? Where are we going?" Ravenkit mewed, her light blue eyes wide.

"We're going to the WindClan border," Luckystar licked Ravenkit's ears.

"Okay!" Ravenkit chirped eagerly. "Why can't Amberkit and Ebonykit come?"

"This is a special adventure for you, only." Luckystar's purr caught in her throat.

"Luckystar." Crowstar met her at the border.

"Crowstar." Luckystar dipped her head. "Take her. Her name's Ravenkit."

Crowstar nodded. "I hope this will work."

"Who are you? You smell stinky!" Ravenkit squeaked, breaking the silence.

"Ravenkit, this is Crowstar. He's the leader of WindClan." Luckystar meowed gently.

"Yuck, he's not my leader!" Ravenkit turned her back on Crowstar.

"I'm sorry, Crowstar. She's a little stubborn," Luckystar apologized wearily.

She sure does keep me on my toes, she thought.

"It's alright." Crowstar replied firmly. His blue eyes shone at Ravenkit and he bent down and picked her up.

"Let me go, you bully!" Ravenkit yowled. She thrashed and squirmed but Crowstar held her tightly.

"I'll give you an update at the next Gathering, Luckystar. Until then, goodbye." Crowstar loped back across the WindClan border and away into the moors.

Thorns pierced Luckystar's heart. Her kit was leaving her. Soon, all three would be gone. Stifling sobs, she closed her eyes and lay in the moonlight. Perhaps she shouldn't give her other kits away. Quickly, she fell into dreams.

A raven cawed from where it perched on top of an ebony tree. A stone – one that Luckystar had learnt went by the name 'amber', lay in the raven's beak. The bird, the stone, and the tree were together. Was this her future? Then, a loud crash sounded behind her. A tree – an oak this time – was falling down towards her. Scared out of her fur, she bounded to the right and narrowly dodged the tree.

To her horror, a fire had started. The fire quickly alarmed the raven into flight, and the raven dropped the amber on top of the tree. The amber shimmered, mesmerizing Luckystar. But sparks caught her attention. The ebony tree was burning! She couldn't watch. Turning away, she waited for the fire to end. She'd had this vision before.

Soon, the crackling and hissing noises stopped. Luckystar turned around, hoping for the best. Unfortunately, the ebony tree was ashes, the amber stone was burnt, and the raven was dead.

"No!" she woke up with a wail. Her medicine cat, Jayfeather, was crouched beside her.

"The same nightmare?" he mewed sympathetically. "I guess we hoped it would've stopped, now that Ravenkit's gone."

"No." Luckystar said, surprised to hear her voice cold. "It will only stop until Ebonykit, Ravenkit and Amberkit are all separated.

Alone #1: The Raven's FlightWhere stories live. Discover now