Why Now?

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Legoshi POV: great.... Another person I have to meet. Where would he sleep exactly... I'm sure he will be nice to me, he is a husky after all. We don't see Huskies here very often. I'm on my phone to make sure that he is actually going to stay here in our dorm, it's true but... Why? Why this dorm? Out of all the dorms? Just my luck.... I need to go to sleep, stop stressing over this you idiot.... Wait where's Jack?


3RD POV: "Y/N! Can I talk to you?" Your mom knocked on your door.

It was 9:30 at night, you stayed in your bed all day.

"Go away! I'm not in the mood!" You shouted at the door.

"Well... There is someone here! It's one of your dorm mates... They want to meet you early they said!"

You turned around in your bed facing the door, your confused so you got up and opened your door.

"What are you talking about? Who is it?"

"Well they actually called me, asking to come here to see you. So I gave them our address and-"

"WHAT?! Mom wha- you- WHA-"

Your mom placed a finger over your mouth while telling you to shush.

"He will hear us... It's fine he's just a lab. Go meet him right now, he's outside."

She walked back downstairs, you froze for a moment deciding what you should do. You only had grey pants on, but you didn't care since you were pissed off. You then went down stairs, and walked outside.

"Oh! Your Y/N L/N right?"

Jack got up from the bench he was sitting on on your front porch. He took his hand out for a hand shake, while his tail wags back and forth In a smooth but slow motion.

"Yeah... That's me." You shook his hand.

"Look I know me coming to your house is weird and all but i-i just couldn't wait! Your so cute!" Jack shouted as he ran up to you, hugging you tightly.

"Oh- t-thanks?"

"There isn't many Huskies at cherryton, I think there is like 3 of them. I'm Jack by the way!"

Jack let go of your body, he walked back to give you some space.

"Ok? Nice to meet you?" You replied while looking around awkwardly.

"Nice to meet you too Y/N! So, I have this friend and he is... Let's say quiet, he lives with us and he is very awkward. B-but as in a good awkward! You know? Basically what I'm trying to say is don't expect much from him, he isn't a talker."


"Oh and by the way, who's bed will you sleep in?" Jack asked.

"What? What do you mean?"

"Well I don't know if you know this but there isn't enough bunks, so you will have to sleep in one of ours."

You blushed, you made a groaning sound while looking up.

"Hey it won't be so bad! We are all nice really! You will see!"

All Over Again? (Legoshi x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now