Never Back Down

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Disturbing Scenes Up Ahead...

"I can't lie it's kind of scary out here." Said miguno in a worried tone.

You all snuck your way up on the roof in the middle of the night, the school has no security last time you checked so you should be fine.

"No need to be scared, what do you think is going to happen anyways?" Jack asked.

"I don't know? Maybe some weird goblin is gonna crawl up this building and kill me!"

Say what you want, it's a valid concern.

You peaked over the edge of the building. "Nope, no goblins."

Legoshi held onto your waist, you were a little too close to the edge and it worried him.

Durham looked up at the dark sky. "So what are we just gonna stand here and do nothing? Can we at least lay somewhere?"

"Lay were your standing at you big baby."

"But it's cold Y/N!"

"Bro... Cuddle your boyfriend then I don't know what to tell you!"

Collot came over to the edge with you. "Imagine if I just jumped."

You glared at collot menacingly. "Well... Who's gonna stop you?"

"Ouch! Dick move Y/N, very dick move. You're not even gonna stop me?"


Collot nervously laughed, miguno was busy chasing a firefly while Jack and Durham laid on the floor.

Legoshi rested his head in between your ears. "I told you it's beautiful out here...."

"You ain't gotta say that twice."

Collot grew jealous as usual.

"Legoshi... I wish Voss was here right now."

You quickly glanced at collot secretly trying to see what his reaction was, collot was fidgeting with his hands.

"Me too Y/N, I just hope he is happy... Wherever he is."

Collot started tapping his foot. "Man it's getting cold isn't it? " he says, attempting to change the subject.

"Hey collot, do you think Voss is somewhere out there?" You asked.

"Y-Yep yeah he definitely is! Alrighty I'm gonna g-go talk to miguno!"

Collot ran off, he is not good with being under pressure.

Legoshi held you closer to him. "Weird..."

"I know right?"

"Collot go away! This is my firefly! " miguno hissed.

Your stomach started to rumble, you needed to use the bathroom really bad.

"Legoshi, let go I gotta go shit."

"O-Oh sorry, Should I come?"

"No I'm fine with being alone."

Legoshi gave you a thumbs up.

"Alright everyone I'll be right back! Don't go anywhere!"

And with that you jogged to the restroom that was inside the school.

"Shit shit shit shit shit..."

You did your business inside the bathroom, granted you almost blew up the toilet but it's all good. The halls were dark, and that hissing sound slowly started to come back.

All Over Again? (Legoshi x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now