Chapter 15: A bunch of fools

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Somewhere in Katze Plains…

Thirty-five people were riding on horses. They were wearing different armor and armed with different weapons. These people may seem like adventurers or workers, but they belonged to neither of them. These warriors worked for a criminal organization that is called Eight Fingers. This underground syndicate holds quite a large amount of influence, effectively controlling the entire Kingdom of Re-Estize from the shadows.

In the middle of this group was a large carriage that looked more like a cage, and it was being pulled by two horses. Inside this carriage were held plenty of women. Because of the war in the Draconic Kingdom, many families that escaped from the front line lived on the streets or temples. The greedy nobles offered jobs, especially for the girls but later they were blackmailed and captured to be sold as slaves.

The nobles sold the poor slaves to the Eight Fingers to be used for different jobs. The women were sent to the brothels. There, they will work to please the desires of the rich citizens of the Kingdom and most of them might end up dead because some man had some disgusting fetish.

"It would have been better if we passed near the border of the Slane Theocracy."

"Idiot, didn't you heard what the boss said? Those fanatics will arrest and execute us if they see us with these slaves."

Slane Theocracy fights for human supremacy and all nonhumans should be slain or put into chains. But today was really hard to pass the border of this nation. They had sent thousands of soldiers everywhere for an unknown reason.

"I know man, but this place always gives me the chills."

Katze Plains was one really dangerous territory. In every direction someone goes, it might end up fighting with the undead. Fighting with simple skeletons and zombies is not very difficult, but a large horde of skeleton warriors will be a dead-end for these criminals.

"Hey, wanna hear some good news?" spoke one of the criminals that was a bit fat.

"Hmm, tell us."

"These women are all pure!"

"Wait, you mean…

"Yes! It will be our job to break them, hahaha!"

"Ohh, I can't wait!"

All of them were excited. A slave should be completely mind broken before the client requests her. They will rape them till they can't put any more resistance. All the women were in despair about the fate that awaits them.

"Still, isn't the atmosphere in Katze Plains a bit different than the other times that we had passed here?"

"It looks the same to me tho."

"He is right."

The one who spoke with a weird voice was not a mortal. He wore a red robe that covered his body.

"What do you mean, lord Davernoch?"

Davernoch was an Elder Lich and a member of Six Arms, the security department of the criminal organization Eight Fingers.

"The negative energy here is very high and is not normal. It all started with that earthquake three years ago. I wonder who is causing this?"

Davernoch always wanted to improve his magic and something like this interested him. If he puts this kind of power in his hands, he will be the most powerful elder lich that has ever existed.

"Well, I really don't know, but as long as we have sir Davernoch with us, there is no need to fear the Katze Plains, we can even sleep here and nothing will hurt us, haha."

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