Part 2

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Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find

Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inhibitions

Unwritten, Natasha Bedingfield

It's the second day that Junkyu went to his new school. He packed some sandwiches to give to Jeongwoo. Junkyu wanted to give him some hints that he is interested in him and maybe that title 'friend' will be replaced by 'boyfriend'. The thought of that just make Junkyu giggled as he made the sandwich for his crush. Although, Junkyu also made each for Jihoon and Hyunsuk because Jihoon will be all over the place if he did not get one and Junkyu just made friends with Hyunsuk.

Junkyu also made one more sandwich for his seatmate. He decided to apologize properly to Haruto about being nosy yesterday. He was contemplating at first but then he decided to let go of his ego.

"Woww. On what occasion chagiya-ng?" asked Jihoon while taking the sandwich from Junkyu's hand.

"Well, I was making some for Jeongwoo and suddenly I remember that I have an amazingly annoying friend who will get mad at me if I don't make him one." said Junkyu.

"Annoying but lovable." Said Jihoon cupping his own face which made Junkyu rolled his eyes.

"And of course I remember I made friends with Hyunsuk and I decided to make one for you, too." said Junkyu smiling at Hyunsuk while he took the first bite.

"Thanks, Junkyu. It's good." said Hyunsuk with his eye smile.

"Go give it to Jeongwoo faster, the bell is going to ring soon." said Jihoon, pushing Junkyu from his seat.

As Junkyu approached Jeongwoo to his seat which was near the door, the basketball captain came in to the class room. They exchanged glances as they cross each other's path but all what Junkyu think is what is he going to say to his crush when he give him the sandwich.

"H-Hey." Stuttered Junkyu.

"Ohh.. Hey, Junkyu-ya." said Jeongwoo closing the book that he is reading. It seems like a text book which they will study in the first hour of the class.

"I made some sandwiches this morning. I want to thank you in advance when you give me a ride later." said Junkyu.

"Hahaha... But I haven't given you a ride yet. But, ok. I'll take it. Thanks, Junkyu!" said Jeongwoo which made Junkyu blush as Jeongwoo's hand brushes with his hand when the vice captain took the sandwich. Even that little gesture made him blush, he is so into him.

"O-ok. I'll go back to my seat now. You may continue to read." said Junkyu, touching his nape like a shy kitten. Jeongwoo replied with a nod.

Junkyu came back to his seat looking like a cooked crab. Jihoon who saw that just made faces with Hyunsuk who were getting used to Jihoon teasing Junkyu.

There is still 5 minutes until the bell rang so Junkyu still have time to give one more sandwich to Haruto. However, he felt chills run down into his bone. Unlike when he wanted to give sandwich to Jeongwoo where he felt tingling inside his tummy like butterflies flying inside, but this time when he wanted to give to Haruto, the feeling is like watching thriller movie or when you wanted to confess to your parents that you have done something wrong. Therefore, he sat down quietly next to him and started to call him.

"E-excuse me. Haruto, is it?" said Junkyu trying to start a conversation.

Haruto turned around and they once again locked their gaze. 'Wait, is he wearing softlens? Wow, his eyes are big and brown. Shoot, what am I thinking?' Junkyu shook his head and came back to his senses.

"I wanted to apologize for being so nosy yesterday and I made a sandwich." said Junkyu as he offered Haruto his sandwich. Haruto took the sandwich in his hand and Junkyu just turned to face the front. He is glad that Haruto took his sandwich which means his apology is accepted.

"Thanks." said Haruto. Junkyu turned his face towards Haruto and he saw him eating his sandwich. Junkyu did not expect Haruto to say thank you to him since he saw how the captain behave to the girl yesterday.

Junkyu could not hide his smile as his dimples shows. He is happy.


The bell rang and the teacher is already in the class. Haruto also has finished his sandwich.

"Ok, class. Open page 32." said Miss. Wendy.

Everyone opened the book except Junkyu. That new student saw his seatmate also opened the book.

"Haruto, can I see. I haven't bought the book yet." said Junkyu as he wanted to move the text book in the middle but Haruto hands brought it back in front of him. Junkyu could not believe his eyes, his jaw dropped. He thought that Haruto would chill a bit around him but he was mistaken.

"I-I thought you have forgiven me?" asked Junkyu.

"I have." said Haruto as he smirked with that handsomely gorgeous face.

"But it does not mean we can share things. It does not mean we are friends." he continued with a flat expression.

I am back again!
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I hope you liked it!! kkkkkk

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