Chapter 1

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[what the castle looks like ^^]

Ranboo's POV:

I ran through the tall grass, 'dad would kill me if he knew I went out' I said in my hand as I ran up the mossy covered stair steps, and through some hanging flowers. I started slowing down, seeing the ladder that led to my bedroom window, I started climbing up the ladder slightly tried. Once in my room I flopped onto my bed with a big a sigh of tiredness, slowly my eye became heavy and I fell asleep.

<{time skip to about 1 hour}>

-Knock knock-
I hear as my dream fades away turning into a bright light, I covered my eyes with my hand, and rolled over to the other side of my bed. -Knock knock-

the knocking continued, "your highness, breakfast is ready" Walter, my butler said "okay, thank you Walter" I said, Walter already walked away from my bedroom door. I got dressed in my outfit that Walter laid out for me the other day and looked at myself in my full length mirror, I was wearing a white bell sleeved bottom up, and black trousers and my crown. I walked down to the dining room, at the door there were two butlers that would open the doors, they opened the doors letting me walk through and closing it behind me. I walked to my seat that was next to my brother, and I was handed a blow of salad while my parents and siblings got eggs and bacon, I didn't because my stomach didn't like eggs so I got salad. I started eating my blow of salad as my father and my brother talked about the stuff going on in the kingdom, I was really jealous of my brother he got to go out of the castle, I was never to go out side, my father said that there are a lot of bed people out there, and that if I were to leave I would face a great punishment, so I would sneak out to this little cave with a small water fall, it's my favorite place to go read, I just wish I could see the kingdom, the people, the shops, that is my true dream.

(this is the place he was talking about)

"Ranboo" I heard my father say, I looked up from my plate and to my father "yes, father" I said, he looked at me " we will be holding a ball for your sister, Olivia" my father said, I was confused because my father never held a ball or a party at ...

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"Ranboo" I heard my father say, I looked up from my plate and to my father "yes, father" I said, he looked at me " we will be holding a ball for your sister, Olivia" my father said, I was confused because my father never held a ball or a party at the castle, he never told me why though. "sense today is her 20th birthday, and her wish was to have a ball" my father said, both my sister and my brother were spoiled so I should of expected that she would get a ball, "there will be other prince's and princesses and some people from the kingdom" my father continued, I was starting to feel excited to see some of our people, to talk to them, or maybe even make a friend. "okay, I'll get ready" I said as I got up from my seat, and walking to my bedroom.
Once in my room I went through my closet and picked out what I was going to wear to the ball:

(this what he will be wearing)
(also not my art)

After I picked out my outfit, I decided to go to my favorite place to read, so I grabbed a book and went out my window and down the ladder, running through the trees, pass the flowers, down the mossy covered stairs, and hopping down some rocks to ...

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After I picked out my outfit, I decided to go to my favorite place to read, so I grabbed a book and went out my window and down the ladder, running through the trees, pass the flowers, down the mossy covered stairs, and hopping down some rocks to the spot where I like to read, it's a nice spot though it is a water fall so I can't get to close to the edge, cause if I were to fall in I might just die... Just then I hear a raddle from a bush close behind me, I stand up swiftly turning to see what the sound was, out of the bush fell a goat hybrid with brown hair, and was wearing dusty green shorts and a white shirt with a patchwork cartigen with dust specks on it. The goat boy sits up and rubbing the back of his head, he looked up at me, "who are you!?" we both said to each other at the same time.....
To be continued

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