Chapter 2

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Tubbo's POV:

I was woken up to my sisters yelling in the hallway, 'like always' I thought to myself, as I picked myself up from my bed, and walked to my small pile of clothes that sat in the corner of my small room. I picked out what I was going to wear, which was a white bell sleeve bottom up with a patchwork cartgien, and some green shorts. I got changed and walked to where my mum and sisters were (which was the dinner room). When I got there I saw my sisters fighting over the bucket of water, you see we are not the riches family, we can't really afford running water or anything to be honest, and our house is very run down, there is this big hole on the roof, that is patched with some random planks of wood that I found in an Aly way, in town. Just then I heard one of my sisters scream, and I was brought out of my thoughts, I look in the direction of my sisters to see that Zoey spilled all of our water on Emma, "Zoey, what the fuck" Emma yelled at Zoey, Zoey just scoffed and crossed her arms. "mum! Zoey spilled our water on me!" Emma yelled into the kitchen (that was next to the dining room). Our mum walked into the dining room and looked at them and then looked at me, "toby, go fetch us some more water! " my mum said with hint of anger, I wanted to say no but I couldn't, so I just nodded just so she wouldn't get madder then she already was. I walked over to my sisters and picked up the bucket and started walking to the door, when I heard my sisters say really mean stuff about me, which made me tear up a bit, but I just kept walking, leaving the house and walking to the well, that was quite far from our house, it was more in the forest, i wish it wasn't so far from our house, but you can't have all of your wishes come true
so I sighed
and continued walking.
When I arrived at my destination, I tied the buckets handle to the wells rope, and I put the bucket in the well, and picking up some water, pulling it out of the well was a bit harder but I got it out. Once I had the now bucket of water, I was about to walk away when I heard a sound, that sounded like footsteps, so i set my bucket of water on a rock, and I walked to the sound slowly, I saw a small bush so I hid in it, I looked at who ever it was, the person had black and white skin, something I've never seen before, I wonder what type of hybrid he is? Just then I lost my grip on the bushes branch, and I fell over and out into the open. I sat up rubbing the back of my head that I fell over onto, and I looked up,

who are you!?"
To be continued

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