Chapter 3

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{hii, its been awhile since i last updated this, so sorry about that, I lost motivation lol. i did forget where i was going with this book, so ignore the last chapter 😍 anyway enjoy this ig}


Ranboo POV:

the goat hybrid got up from the ground swiftly, brushing off some dust that had collected on his clothes. He looked up at me "I'm Toby, you?" He said, rocking from one foot to the other. "U-uh Ranboo" I looked to the ground, trying to not make eye contact with him.
"Well, Ranboo what kind of hybrid are you?" Toby asked me, "I'm half enderman, and half-" come to think of it I don't really know what my other half is, "-i don't know" I said, he looked somewhat scared, I mean it makes sense, since enderman are one of the most feared mod out there, other then the ender dragon, which lives in the end.

Toby backed up abit, "don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you, I promise" I said, "pinky promise" he said, bringing his pinky finger up to me, "pinky promise" I brought my pinky finger to his, connecting our finger's, in a promise, I smiled at him, and he smiled back. Our finger's parted, and we sat on a rock, I went back to reading my book, and Toby was playing with a stick, drawing bees and other things in the dirt. "So, whatcha reading?" I heard Toby say, "green eggs and ham" I replied, and looked up from my book, "oh, cool" he said, and looked over my shoulder, "can you read it to me?" He said, scooting closer to me, I nodded and started reading the book out loud for Toby to hear.

A few minutes or hours of reading later, I felt a weight fall onto my left shoulder, I looked down to see Toby sleeping soundlessly. I sat the book down, and moved Toby, to where his head was lying on my lap, and his legs now resting on the rock, that both him and I were on.

I looked up at the sky, noticing that it was now dark out 'its already dark out? I should probably wake Toby up' I thought to myself, and started lightly shaking his shoulder "Toby, Toby wake up" I said, he slowly woke up and looked up at me "what is it?" He said sleepily, and rubbed his eye "I think we should go back to our homes" I said to him, he nodded, probably still slightly asleep. Me and Toby said our goodbyes and parted ways.


I arrived at home, just before 6, I got dressed quickly cause the party starts at 7 and it was already 6:00. I walked over to my window looking out in to the distance, and started thinking about what the people might be like. then i started thinking about toby, i wonder how he's doing, will he be at the ball?, I kinda hope he will be, then I'll get to see him again.

-knock knock-

Just then i heard a knock at my door, "prince ranboo, the king is waiting for you in the ballroom" Walter, my butler said "okay, thank you Walter, you can go now" i replied, he bowed and walked away

I got to the doors of the ballroom, and in side I could hear classical music playing, and the guards bowed opening the doors for me, and i walked through, and looked at the crowds of people, 'i've never seen this many people in the same room before' I thought to myself.

(This what the ballroom look like)

I walked over to my father, and stood next to him, and kept my head low

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I walked over to my father, and stood next to him, and kept my head low. my little sister; crumb walked over to me, and took my hand, "why do you look sad, big bro' she asked, looking up at me with worry on her face, I picked her up "I'm fine, crumb no need to worry" I smiled at her, "Otay!" they smiled, and hugged my neck, I smiled. then a girl comes up to me, I assume that she's a princess, cause she's wearing a crown, "hello, prince Ranboo, may I dance with you?" She asks, I would say no but my father, would get angry with me, "of course" I replied, and sat crumb down, she looked a little sad when I set her down, "aw, Bai bai, big brother" she said, waving at me, I waved back.

I walked with the lady to where the others were dancing, she took my hand with her hand, and she put another hand on my shoulder, I put my hand on her waist, and we stared dancing, "so what's your name?" I asked her, "my name is princess Clara" she said, "it's nice to meet you, princess Clara" I said, with a smile, "I heard you were looking for a partner" she said, moving closer to me, "uhh, no" I said, backing up a bit, she looked disappointed, "oh, well then I'll be going now" she said, walking away. I stood there 'what just happened' I thought to myself-

then i walked over to the buffet, looking at the table's, there were alot of fancy foods, that I didn't really like. Then I saw cake, I sped walked to the sweets table, grabbing a plate and and putting a big slice of cake on my plate, and walking over to where my little sister was.

When they noticed me walking over, she ran over to me and hugged my leg, "boo!" Crumb said, boo is their nickname for me. I smile and pick her up "I got some cake, we can share it" I said, and her eyes sparkled, and I handed her the fork, she smiled and took a big bite of the cake, she then took another and put it up to my face "here boo!" She said with a big smile, I smiled and ate the slide of cake that was in front of me "thank you crumb" I said with a smile "you're welcome, boo!" She said also with a big bright smile, "want the rest of the cake?" I asked her, she nodded, I gave her the plate and she smiled and started eating it. As crumb ate I heard my father call my name "crumb I'm going to go over to father you can go to mother" I said setting her on the ground, she nodded "Otay see ya!" She said running over to our mother.

I sighed and walked over to my father. When I got to where he called me, he was standing a girl who I assume to be around my age, she wore a light blue dress and a silver crown, 'so she's a princess' I thought to myself. I walked up to my father "what is it father?" I said, he looked at me "ranboo, this is Lisa, Lisa is going to be marrying you" my father said, "WHAT!?" I said probably too loud, "I'm not marrying anyone!" I said a little quieter, my father walked me over to a corner "ranboo you will be marrying her, she will bring a good reputation to our family" my father said with a glare, "but-" I tried to say but I was cut off by my father "no 'buts', you will listen to me, ranboo!" He said raising his voice, so I gave up "okay...I will.." I said looking at the floor, my father smiled and put a hand on my shoulder "good, now that's go back to Lisa" he said, I nodded and we walked back over to Lisa. "Ranboo, why don't you and Lisa go dance" my father said with a smile, i hate his smile.

Me and Lisa walked to the dance floor, "so prince Ranboo, what do you do for fun?" Lisa asked me as we danced "uh read" I replied, she chuckled "read? That's pretty loser-ish of you" she said, I just laughed nervously "well one day you can come over to my castle and I can throw a party with a few of my friends" she said "I don't really like party's-" I said, "booooringg" she said, rolling her eyes, "im just gonna go then, you obviously don't like me" she said just walking away, "okay-" i said to myself.

I walked around the room, but after a bit of walking I started to get a bit anxious, cause of the amount of people that were in there, so i decided to go out to the garden.

while walking around the garden, I decided to pick some weeds that were starting to grow. "-ranboo! ranboo!" i heard someone call my name.


{most of this was written a half-year ago lol}

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2023 ⏰

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