🌼Somethings Go Unnoticed🌹 - Pt. 3

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Camilo x Fem!Reader
Warnings: N/A
A/N: the dog at the top is my cousin's crackhead corgi, aka my dog's boyfriend.


"So she likes him! Yesss!", I yell to myself a bit too loudly. "Who likes who?!", my annoying brother yelled walking over to me. "Uhhh none of your business!", I said glaring. "Plus, you'd probably interrupt me again!", I said. "Aw, pleaseeee I won't interrupt you this time!", he said giving me his famous hazel puppy eyes. "Hmph! Fine I'll tell you later nosy boy!", I say heading off to casita a smile plastered on my face.


"There's something suspicious about her.......eh whatever! Back to babysitting!", I say walking back to the stressed mother.

DELORES POV *at casita, in her room*

"Okay so we need a plan...", I say to my most trusted partner. "Hmm, well after you talk to Cami I can have the animals set up something!", my youngest brother Antonio says smiling. "Wow, that's a great idea actually...um sure let's go with that!", I say high giving the animal gifted boy a high five. "Plan Y/S/N (ship name) is a go!", we both say simultaneously.


'Hm let's see. She must be in her room then!'. I open the door revealing my older sister writing in a notebook. I sneak up behind her and say, "Hey sis, whatcha writing?" "O-oh uhh nothing!", she says closing the notebook and throwing it out the window. "Um okay? Oh! So are you going to tell me about the secret romance that's going on with someone?", I say smirking. "Uh yeah about that, um you know Y/N..", she says. "Oh yeah?", I say kinda getting sad. "She likes you...", she says as her face turns to a look of worry. My face gets beet red and I say, "O-oh she d-oes?", I say stuttering. "Yeah....why are you getting so nervous hermano?", she says smirking. "O-oh nothing! Oh I just remember that I have to go give my fish a bath hehe!", I say darting out of the room and into mine. 'What! She likes me? Why am I getting so flustered? I'm so confused....'


"Antonio! You can come out now!", I say as Antonio crawls out from under my bed. "Okay!", he says hopping on my bed sitting next to me. "Okay now it's your turn!", I say. "Alright! I'll alert the animals!", she says running to his room.

'All I have to do is bring them to Antonio's room and bam!' Delores gets on the phone with Y/N. "Hey Y/N/N!", I say. "Oh hi Delores! What's up?", she asks. "I wanted to know if you could come over in like an hour, if so meet me in Antonio's room.", I say hoping for her to say yes. "Oh alright I'll be over in a little while!", she says cheerfully. "Okay great, bye!", I say. "Bye!", she says hanging up. "Okay now Camilo.", I say walking to his room.


"Okay calm down, clear skies, clear skies.", I say pacing back and forth through my room which is shapeshifting constantly along with me.

knock knock

"Alright come in!", I say calming down just to be faced with my older sister. "Hey, Camilo would you come into Antonio's room in like an hour?", she asks. "Oh ok...", I say. "Alright cool!", she exclaims rushing out the door.


*Walks into Antonio's room* "Wow I- amazing job team!", I say in awe. It was an amazing sight. The trees lit up with lights with a pinkish hue, fireflies helping, a blanket and a meal for two. "Great job! Amazing job!", I exclaim. "Thanks! The animals did the most though!", he says while petting his jaguar.

TIMESKIP *about 45 minutes later*

*Both Camilo and Y/N arrive at Antonio's room*


Part 4 - coming soon (today)

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