Bonding and Birdies

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I've been added to someones playlist of books their waiting for an update for omg! I felt so bad and I'd hate to be that Wattpad writer so here's another chapter lol



I sent Logan a text before everything went down last night of all the things we needed for our project.

He picked them all up while we were at school today and dropped them off at my house. Texting when he got there.

So me and the boys had been working on the project at my place since school ended.

We were finishing up when I realized that it was almost 8.

"Sorry guys I have to meet up with Pidge in a couple minutes, you think you could finish up here?"
"Yeah not problem."
"Don't worry about it amor."

"Thank you, if you head out before I come back just lock up for me kay." I picked up my bag and headed for the door.
"Eh- what time you think you'll be back?" Keith asked

"Don't know can't be too sure. Most likely at 10." I shrugged my arms. I closed the door behind me and got straight in my car driving to their place.



"Whelp it is what it is" Keith sighed "she's such a busy person."

"I wonder what their gonna be up so late doing. Well Pidge being up late isn't new, eh I guess it isn't new for y/n either. God how is she so beautiful without any beauty sleep! If I stayed up too late I'd be a mess." Lance paused for a second. "Like I am now!!"

I laughed at his frustration. "You look cute with eye bags."
"What no one asked you Keith, eye bags are your thing, plus you have a mullet you don't have a valid opinion."

"Huh- don't be like that Lance. I thought we were over that." I said
"I don't know whAt your talking about."
"We had a bonding moment- I cradled you in my arms!" I stressed

"Nope! Don't remember- didn't happen." Lance said



"Hah- hey Pidge I'm here" I stifled a breath in as I was late and ran from her house to the park her mom said she was at.

I stood up after finally catching my breath looking around.

"PIDGE! YOU HERE?" I called for them with no response.

I went to walk around some more when I saw a head peek from behind a bush.

"Oh Y/n what are you doing here?" Katie stepped out

"Your mom said you were here- I'm sorry I'm late I was working on a school project." I explained

"Oh no problem, while you took your time I went ahead and made a digital bird house. See it pushes out water when its sat on from this little fountain. Once the weight is gone the water stops flowing and if any is left it'll suck it back up." She gestured to the small house she'd put in a tree.

"And the water system has a purifier as well. That way their water won't get dirty." She finished proudly.

"That's so cool. You think you could make more, there should be one in every park in this area!" You exclaimed.

"Uh- I mean I definitely could, but it'd be supper expensive. Around 50-100$ each. And as much as I love nature and all the little animals, I don't have the money." She sighed.
"I do!"

"I mean my parents do. But if I told them about it they'd be all in. It's good for the community and for our company. If they put my name behind it it'd totally sell. Of course you would get all the credit for the design, I'd be more of a funder. You'll get around 40% of the profits the other 60% going to the company and our funder who'd get us the supplies. If you want we could have one in every park in this area in around 5 months." I said

Pidge just stared at me in shock. I forgot she doesn't know who my parents are- "Heh we can talk about it later- anyways I came about that project we talked about."

She shook their head out of her trans. "Right I remember."
"I actually had an idea for the whole thing I just need your help producing it." I told her
"Of course but I hope you know I don't have to proper materials for that."

"Don't worry I already got a studio for us- we have it to our selves for the rest of the week."
"Not actually, my cousin owns the place so I got it for free. Don't worry about that, you said you learn quick right."

"I sure do I'll have this figured out in 10 minutes" she smirked
"Im counting on it! Let's go I'll drive us there."
"Alrighty let's hit the rode then."


Sorry this was a shorter chapter, I wanted to update this for you guys. I hope you don't mind too much

Anyways happy New Years! I love y'all- Cya next time I update 💜✨

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