Keep Quiet

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A/N: Hiya~
There's a few extra ships mention in this (Seroroki, Kiribaku, Iidayama, izumina and momojirotoko <3)
Just a quick CW for the following <3 ;
-Size difference/Size queen/king
-Embarrassment kink
-Major feminisation
-Slight voyerism is mentioned <3


Denkis POV:

Holy shit. Was this actually happening? My entire body felt so good aall at once, it was so much. Shin was absolutely huge! I should've guessed that much though, he was 6' 2" now that we were 18,and I never grew since we joined UA,staying at a measly 5' 4". Looking up at most of my friends put a crook in my neck, they were all s-

"You alright, doll?" Hitoshi cut my train of thought. He was standing there, watching my brain go into auto drive, staring at his strong figure. Another brilliant thing about our differences, I was very slim and had exercised myself to have a perfect hourglass, whereas Hitoshi was built strong.

I did it again.
"Ah! Sorry, so much going through my head" I murmured, panicked.
"Its alright pretty thing, you ready?"
Nodding passionately, I waited for the lavender haired boy to move.

*3rd POV*

Shin moved  slowly at first, but quickly picked duo the pace as the tiny figure underneath him begged. God, his begs were beautiful, every word sounded like a perfect song to the taller boy, or atleast to his cock. Only a couple of minutes had passed and they already changed positions to get a better angle. Denki was bent over the counter, getting his guts rearranged by his lover.

It was a delicate whimper, enough to make a grown man weak in his knees with lust.

"Everything okay princess?"
That nickname made Denki want to cry with love and full on horndog-ness, unapologetic and selfish, his father would be ashamed.

Denki pushed up slightly and put his weight on his lower arms,before turning his head to look at Hitoshi.

" Please,, give me absolutely everything, I can take it, I promise"
"You sure baby? That's a lot for a tiny thing like you.." He was worried he would literally rip the smaller boy in half.
"I can master!! Let me take all of you, pretty please!!"
His whines were addictive.

Shinso took a deep breath before grabbing the blonde's hair, shoving his face down into the counter. He slammed into the boy as quick and hard as possible, giving enough of a slapping force to leave a bruise along the blondies ass. Denki was screaming, tears ruined his mascara as his eyes began to cross together. A collection of loud slaps could be heard as a large hand slapped across Kami's ass, making him whine out. Shinso looked down a little to see Kami had came, definitely more than once too.

"You came already? Dirty bitch."
Denki tried to respond, he really did, but his brain had melted into a puddle of lust and desire,so he moaned in response instead.

"Nothing to say huh? That's what I thought"
"so..... much.... Good!! mhh, ah! cum!!"

Both of the boys were surprised that Denki could make out audible English at this point, but Shin kept on fucking into the boy, allowing him to cum a 3rd time.


"What the actual fuck" Sero said, turning to the half-asleep Kirishima.
"What perverts, I'll beat their asses for waking me up" Bakugo threatened.
"Kami! Kami wake up you've gotta hear this" The ravenette leaned over to where Kaminari was supposed to be,but he was greeted with an empty sleeping bag before sitting back down.
"Does... that mean" Shoto had woken up.
"I belive so mi amour..."
"Does what mean what?" The redhead asked, loud enough to wake up the few that hadn't already. Now the whole class was awake, except Mineta, he got uninvited.
"Kami and that Shinso guy are gone..."
The classes jaws collectively dropped.
"You're telling me that's sparky?" Bakugo commented.
"There's no way, Kaminari has too much taste for that insomnis, just like moi.. " Aoyama remarked ".. us blondes only go for gold" Yuga's partner, Iida, blushed a little at the compliment before snapping into action.
"Well were not going to go up and interrupt them while there still... uhm, busy.... but once they're back we shall scold them for their immature behaviours"
The class either didn't care, or agreed with Tenya.

An hour and a half passed,making the total time 2 hours. 2 hours straight of kaminari moaning, screaming, crying, loud slaps and dirty comments. The class could tell they were almost finished.

"... I mean its kinda hot." Sero commented.
"I am right here" Shoto seemed unimpressed, but not angry.
"Sorry, Cariño, but if you think about it... Kaminari is tiny in comparison to Hitoshi, so whatever is going on up there is probably really erotic..."
"He kinda has a point, Sho" Mina said, Deku giving the same unimpressed look that Sho gave to Sero.
"You can think what you like,,, but whatever they're upto is sincerely not out business." The bird-boy Tokoyami spoke - he was pressed between Momo and Jirou, specially around their busts. For an aroace goth kid, he did pretty well for himself.


Denki POV:

" oh my god.. " I could barely see straight anymore. I was being held by Shin as he helped me clean off in the shower.

"Aww, a little tired are we, kitten?"
"A little?"
"Alright, 5 rounds is a lot, I'll give you that, let's just get cleaned up and back down to the room before anyone notices eh?"

We got dressed back into our pj's, I was practically falling over with exhaustion, so Hitoshi carried me down.

*Shin POV*

I pryed open the door with my foot, the lights were still off so hopefully nobody heard us. That's until I looked up away from the blonde in my arms.

Everyone was staring.

"shit..." I whisper to myself.


Done this chapter! Please tell me if the Spanish for "Darling" is incorrect in this, I'm not great with other languages <3
But, I hope yall liked this!! And have a safe New Year!! Love yall!

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