Chapter Four

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            9297 Polly Parkway was the precise address for the Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated building

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9297 Polly Parkway was the precise address for the Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated building. It was located right in the center of Danville. Kim couldn't believe it actually had the word "evil" labeled in big letters on the side. What sort of guy advertises that kind of thing? Kim thought as she pulled up to the location with Perry, Luther, and Wade in Luther's van.

The van doubled as Wade and Luther's base of operations, keeping tabs on Kim and Perry while they were inside the Doofenshmirtz complex. "Doofenshmirtz's lab is located on the topmost floor of the building," Wade informed with the blueprints displayed on his computer. "That's where the ceremony is being held."

Luther in the meantime was getting Kim's mask prepared through the Latex Mask machine. She watched him work on the exact likeness of Heinz Doofenshmirtz himself, jittered by every hyper-realistic detail of the rather ugly-looking pharmacist. "You guys sure no one else was qualified for this?"

            "Positive," Luther snickered as he proceeded to work on the voice modulation strip, which involved using an audio recording of Doofenshmirtz's voice (taken from his voicemail message)

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"Positive," Luther snickered as he proceeded to work on the voice modulation strip, which involved using an audio recording of Doofenshmirtz's voice (taken from his voicemail message).

"You've reached Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz," the recording said. "I can't come to the phone right now because I may be fighting my nemesis, Perry the Platypus, or on one of my daily errands. Just leave your name and number and I'll make sure to get back to you...unless I have been fighting my nemesis, then I'll get back once after I've gotten out of the hospital."

Kim cringed over the recording, not only from how long and winded it was but also from the screeching register of Doofenshmirtz's voice. "That's how I'm going to sound?!"

"Unfortunately...yes," Wade confirmed, sharing in her discomfort.

Luther handed the voice modulation strip to Kim, along with a card, and instructed, "Apply the strip on top of your neck and repeat the phrase on the card three times."

Kim followed his instruction, applying the strip where her larynx was and reading the card. "Rubber baby buggy bumpers... Rubber baby buggy bumpers... Rubber baby buggy bumpers." Each time she read the phrase, she felt her throat tingle as Luther synced the strip up with Doofenshmirtz's voice, until it replaced Kim's entirely. Speaking with that same screeching tone she heard on the voice message, Kim already hated the whole thing. "Oh, this is so not how I wanted to spend my evening!"

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