Chapter Six

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Kim felt like the Unification of Evil Ceremony had gone on forever. She would check the clock every so often to know how long the stupidity went for. When she glanced at it for the gazillionth time, she was discouraged to see that only half an hour had passed. I'm being punished, I just know it!

Perry wasn't any more comfortable than she was in his flimsy Lloyd Wexler disguise. It was obvious he was a platypus in a wig with glasses and a fake mustache, yet none of the evil scientists in attendance paid it any mind. If anything, they were more attentive to the festivities. For a bunch of evil geniuses, they were really dense.

The night got weirder when the karaoke contest started, with the winner only receiving unlimited bragging rights.

"Whose lame idea was this?" Kim found herself wondering aloud.

"Why, it was yours, Heinz," Roddenstein told her. "What's wrong? Is that brain of yours shrinking in your old age?" He was really getting under Kim's skin – or Doofenshmirtz's skin, more like it.

While Dr. Diminutive serenaded the crowd with his abysmal rendition of "Everybody Wants to Rule the World," Kim was approached by Vanessa again. "I know you're not my dad," she revealed to her. "Who are you really?"

"Don't say anything." Hearing his voice in her earpiece, Kim completely forgot Luther had been listening in with Wade, who followed by adding, "She is a Doofenshmirtz after all. There's no telling if she can be trusted or not."

She initially followed their advice, just standing and staring at Vanessa. She imagined how stupidly awkward she looked while doing it with Doofenshmirtz's face. That awkwardness motivated Kim to change her mind not a second later and tell Vanessa the truth.

 That awkwardness motivated Kim to change her mind not a second later and tell Vanessa the truth

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"You're right...I'm not your father." She could hear Wade and Luther groaning after the fact. "My name is Kim Possible, and I'm a spy. This is a disguise – a very lifelike and uncomfortable disguise – that I'm wearing." She tugged on latex skin of her right cheek for emphasis, stretching it to unearthly proportions.

"Freaky," Vanessa smirked. Her amusement turned to concern as she considered, "Wait. Is my dad in danger? I mean, I know he's evil – that's his whole thing – but he's still my dad. I haven't heard or seen of him in a week. Is that why you're wearing his face? Because he's missing and you're trying to find out what happened to him?"

Kim didn't know what else to tell her, and she couldn't count on any assistance from Luther or Wade after she decided to go rogue. She was spared just as Dr. Diminutive's performance ended and Roddenstein appeared onstage to mockingly challenge Kim, "Let's see you grace us with your astounding pipes, Heinz."

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