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So in this one Will and Connor are best friends
Btw thank you for reading and voting janop245 :)

I am a drama person so here we go


(Wills PoV)
I handed the patients file back to April when I saw Connor and Ethan talk. I joined them, laughing at Ethans jokes. As soon as a man walked in they hid immediately so that they won't have to deal with another patient. I smiled fondly and approached the man. He looked about 30 and he was dressed like anyone else.
"Hey, how can I help you?", I asked.
He looked at me like crazy and said: "Come with me. No police. No contacting anyone. Understood?", the man said quietly, pointing to his gun in his pocket. I was shocked and I went to turn and get security but strangely they were all somehow doing something, and I couldn't alert anyone fast enough without getting myself shot or anyone else hurt. So, I went with him.

He led me behind the hospital and I was waiting for him to tell me about his problem, but back in my head I think I knew what was going to happen. Suddenly something strangled me from behind and before I could do anything something was held infront of my nose. I recognized the scent immediately. Chloroform. I knew I was going to pass out any moment now. Yep. It was all black and I felt myself falling.

"Where's Halstead?", Maggie asked.
"Dunno, he was treating some man an hour ago", Connor answered absent-mindedly. He was looking at a chart of a young girl that had collapsed.
"Hey.", a man startled him out of his thoughts.
"I need help", he said. Connor nodded.
"Okay. What do you need help with?"
"Come with me"
Though it was strange, Connor followed him to the back of the hospital just where they had brought Will.

Connor gasped as he saw Will on the ground. It made no sense, Will had no sign of injuries on his body.
Suddenly a sweet scent reached his nose.
Okay, going to pass out any time now, he thought to himself as he went falling.


"Where's Rhodes, and where the hell is Halstead I haven't seen them in 2 hours", Maggie yelled through the ED. Choi looked up.
"Dunno", he said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Page them", he said.
"Already done an hour ago. Look, security?", Maggie said. The two security officers looked up and nodded.
"Go find Dr. Halstead and Dr. Rhodes. You know what they look like", she ordered. They went on search through the whole hospital, not knowing that that was a dead end.



That was all Connor could think of.

A killer headache.

He groaned, slowly peeling his eyes open to a terrifying sight.


Wills hands were tied to the ceiling. He was sitting on the ground while the rope was the only thing keeping his unconscious form upright. It didn't look comfortable and Connor knew for sure that Will was going to have bad backaches from that.

He looked at himself to check for any injuries. Luckily there were none other than the big cut on his forehead.

"Ahhhh. I see you're awake! Wooow", a voice appeared. He figured that there was a speaker, because he couldn't see anyone but Will in the room.

"What do you want", he replied.

"I want my problem solved"

"And what is your problem?", Connor tried hard not to lose his temper. This man had kidnapped him and his best friend just for solving a problem?

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