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Will stood at the nurses desk and saw Connor and Ethan laugh as they came out of a treatment room. "Hey guess what", Ethan said to him as he playfully hit Wills shoulder.

"What", Will chuckled.

"We just told Angie that she's cancer free", Will smiled happily. Almost everyone in the hospital knew Angie. She was a 16 year old girl that had been fighting cancer since she was 5. This was the first time she was cancer free, in 9 years.

Soon she came down in her plainclothes to greet her doctors and say goodbye. Everyone was on the verge of tears, even Will who was almost never seen crying, and she left the hospital happily.

A few hours later and the good mood was gone. It was getting late and Will was tired. He wanted to just go home with his brother who was supposed to pick him up after shift. A faint yell from the distance interrupted his sweet thoughts of sleep.

"I want a doctor, now", Will hurried in the direction of the yell. There was Maggie and she looked at him with a sympathetic look that said do it one more time, then you can sleep. Halstead nodded and approached the man, except he recognized him.

"Mr. Palano", Will greeted him politely.

"No!", Mr. Palano shouted angrily. "No! I haven't been waiting for hours just to get treated by a doctor who killed my wife! How long is it gonna take you to kill me?"

April walked by them and also sent a sympathetic look towards Will. Katy Palano was the wife, who came in after a car accident. At first she was recovering well, until she suddenly coded. The doctors did everything they could but she was soon declared as brain dead. She had a brain injury that couldn't have possibly be seen on the scans they took.

Will just, as always, had the bad luck to be signed as her responsible doctor. Everyone knew he blamed himself for her death.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save her", Will said with a guilty look in his eyes.

"Yeah damn right you are. You deserve to die"

"Maybe i do", a few people gasped at that. "But don't do anything you'll regret.", Will said, already knowing where this was leading to.

Suddenly Mr. Palano pulled out a knife. Will stepped back out of instinct, holding his arms up.

"Don't ruin your own life by killing me. Don't torture yourself just for revenge", Will tried to talk Mr. Palano out of his plan.

"I don't care about myself", Mr. Palano grotted through his teeth.
Will had seen this coming, but still was too slow.
Before he could do anything he felt a searing pain in his upper stomach.

He grunted in pain trying not to scream out, as security guards tried to approach the scene and doctors prepared for the worst.

But then, as Will hunched over to protect his stomach for further injuries, Mr. Palano shoved the knife deeper in, turning it before pulling it out. Will yelled helplessly in pain while he pushed Mr. Palano away from him with all strength he could muster.

His body gave up and he fell down hard on his back. He was breathing heavily as much as his lungs allowed him to. Around him he could hear everyone move at once when security tackled Mr. Palano down.

Will put his hands on his stomach, desperate for the pain to vanish. After putting pressure on his abdomen to stop the bleeding he could feel blood rising in his throat. Not good , he thought as he tried not to throw up. Eventually, he had to. Blood came out of his throat and he turned on his side to cough easier. Big mistake. By moving himself he felt more blood exit his wound.

He elevated his head a little only to see that he'd lost a lot of blood already. As a doctor he knew that he didn't have good chances but as a patient he also knew he was in the best hands. If you get stabbed , better do it at the hospital right?

When he was done coughing blood up he let himself roll on his back again. By now he could hear the quiet ringing in his ears from the shock being replaced by familiar voices.

"WILL", Connor was on his way to Will.
"Come on, buddy, hold on"

"DO NOT PASS OUT STAY AWAKE", Connor slapped him in the face so hard that he gasped and his eyes flew open again. When had he closed them? God was he tired.

Will groaned in pain as Connor applied pressure to the wound until some nurses and other doctors would come with a stretcher and all that stuff.

"Tell Natalie i love her. And Jay that I'm proud of him and i love him, never doubted him", Will gasped as he realized that that could be his last moments alive.

"Tell em yourself", Connor said in worried anger.

Connor took him in surgery after a quick scan to let him know where the damage had gone. Meanwhile, Maggie had to call Jay and Goodwin offered to stay with Natalie.


"Hey Jay, this is Maggie from the Ed"


"Your brother Will has been stabbed. I'll explain further here. This isn't something you talk about in a phonecall", Maggie said, obviously shaken up by the things that happened in such a short period of time.

"I'm coming"

The line went dead.


Jay ran to the ED entrance as fast as he could. Maggie saw him immediately and guided him to Natalie and Goodwin.

"What happened", Jay demanded.

"There was this patient, Katy Palano, she was in a car accident three weeks ago and she was recovering well until she suddenly coded. Nobody could've known the reason until after. Will had the bad luck to be signed as her doctor so Katy's husband decided to teach Will a lesson by stabbing him.", Goodwin informed him quickly.

The detective nodded and sat on a plastic chair, running his hand through his hair. His brother always had to get in trouble somehow.
"He is most likely in surgery by now. Probably with Connor, on of the best here", Goodwin added, to which Jay just nodded, lowering his gaze to the ground.

---------time skip brought by Mimi the mouse-----

"Jay", Connor called into the waiting room. Jay and the other fellow detectives from intelligence were commonly known there because of their multiple cases and victims in Chicago Med.

At Connor's call Jay jumped and looked around until he realized it was Connor who called him. Quickly Jay pulled himself on his feet, expecting the worst but hoping for the best.

"He's too stubborn to leave"

At that sentence Jay relaxed a little, knowing that Will was still fighting calmed him a little.

"But he's not through the woods at all. The knife stabbed him into the lung, that's why we have a chest tube. It was only inches away from his heart so he was very lucky. He's resting in the ICU but you can see him. Is there anyone else I can notify?"

"Nah. Dad never appreciated us. Mom died long ago", grief was evident in his voice. "I'll probably bring some of my unit with me. They're gonna want to know everything anyways"

Connor nodded, showing him the way to Will's room.

--------another time skip cause Tiki the tiger chose to show up here-------

Will had recovered enough to wake up, so his brother sat beside his bed, waiting patiently and craving for Will's eyes to open. Finally, they fluttered.

"Will? You awake?"
"Hey, I'm here. You're okay"

"What happened?"
"You got stabbed"

"Oh. That's why my chest hurts so bad", Will grimaced.

After Will understood more and more of what was going on, he was already tired and couldn't fight sleep.

It took 4 weeks for Will to get on his feet again. Until he was allowed to get back to duty another 5 weeks passed though.


I'm sorry I had some sort of writers block on this
I'm not quite happy with how it turned out but i can't let you wait for years right :)

Have a happy ... Wherever you are


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