Don't make it worse

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Jay and Will were sitting at the bar, Molly's to be precise. They spent almost every night there, together with the rest of the unit, med and fire department. 

It was actually a more boring day. As it was winter and it had begun to snow and rain all day, many kids came in with their worried parents, thinking that they had pneumonia. Thankfully, Will could clear more than half of them with just a normal cold, but of course there were more extreme cases. Treating the flu all day was still boring though.

Jay had a paperwork day today, because somehow he could always manage to be behind. With his warm coffee on his table he had just typed things in his computer, cracking jokes with Ruzek and looked out the window following the little snow flakes.

The boring day was going to get much less boring, but they didn't know that of course.

"One whiskey", Jay told Hermann, the barkeeper at Molly's and his friend from the fire department.

"Ohh, you want strong today?", he smiled at Jay and Jay just rolled his eyes.

"Same for me please", Will said and also smiled back at Hermann.

"Okayyy, comin' right up"

The night passed quite quickly. Hailey had brought some cookies that they all ate together. Jay had the privilege of living with Hailey, a really good baker and cop simultaneously, and he looked forward to eating more of her cookies, knowing that she couldn't have brought them all.

At some point, Jay and Will decided to go home, as they both had early shifts the day after.

They said goodbye and walked out in the snow, with a very good mood, not expecting the fist coming out of nowhere.

Will had opened the door first, which is why he got punched in the stomach first. As he stumbled back, Jay caught him, the happenings to fast for him to understand completely. All he knew was that Will was holding his stomach in pain.

This moment did not last for long though, Will got pulled outside by hands that came out of nowhere again.
It was too loud inside of Molly's for anyone to hear what was going on outside.

"Are you Jay Halstead?", suddenly a man in black asked, pointing a gun towards them both.

"Uh, yeah", Jay answered, clearly confused and not wanting to endanger Will.

The man didn't answer but held his hand up. There was a little tattoo showing two stars.

And now it all made sense to Jay. Their attacker was someone that he had arrested once, but he didn't quite remember the name.

"You forgot my name, didn't ya", the man said as if he could read Jay's mind.

When Jay didn't answer, the man put down his black mask and added: "My name's Orlis Petral. You arrested me two years ago, but I escaped prison about a year ago. And now I want my revenge, because I still like torturing people. Especially seeing people like you, cops, suffering is fun!", With the last sentence, Orlis began to smile.

Jay's heart slid into his stomach while he remembered the pictures of the victims that Orlis had killed. They all died from bloodloss by a gunshot, but were tortured in numerous ways like with cattle prods.

But Jay already knew that Orlis was going to be "kind" to him and not hurt him too much to get some information out of him. And he also knew that Will was in great danger now.

Orlis had a system. He would precisely kidnap two people that are close to each other. He often only needed one of them for his wanted information, but he always used the second person as a pressure maker.
And this system proved to be very effective.

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