Chapter Three

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Percy's Dinner Goes Up In Smoke


Word of the bathroom incident spread like wildfire. Whenever Percy walked by people, they would whisper and point, the common word being bathroom. It didn't help that Annabeth was still dripping wet and she reeked of the bathroom smell, but neither Snow nor Percy were brave enough to point that out to her face.

Snow accompanied Annabeth in showing the various places at camp like the metal shop (where kids forge their own weapons), the arts and craft room (where satyrs sculpted a giant goat-man out of marble stone) and the climbing wall. That consisted of two facing walls that challenged the competitors such as violently shaking, dropping boulders, sparring molten lava and clashing if the climbers weren't fast enough. 

The final destination was the canoe lake. At that point, Annabeth decided she was done.

"I've got to go. Have training to do," She said flatly. "Dinner's at seven thirty. Just follow your cabin mates to the mess hall." 

"Annabeth, I'm sorry about the toilets." 


"It wasn't my fault."

Annabeth, even Snow, looked at him skeptically. It was then that Percy reconsidered that it might have been his fault. The water all happened because of the weird feeling he got. Plus he somehow avoided getting drenched and managed to spare another person from having the same fate as Annabeth.

"You need to talk to the Oracle."


"More of a what, actually." Snow said. 

Annabeth nodded, claiming she'll ask Chiron. The two watched her stomp away. Her blonde hair that was usually put in a ponytail was sagging, her princess curls were messed up. Her orange camp shirt was sticking to her skin and whenever she walked, there was a sound of slush.

Snow turned to Percy who was staring intensely at the lake. 

"Are you okay?" She asked tenderly.

Percy raised his eyebrow at her.

"Sorry. Wrong question," She said sheepishly. "I know the day hasn't been easy. I get it, but give it a month or two and you'll find yourself adjusting."

"I don't want to adjust," Percy spat. "I just want my mom back. Who cares who my dad was–or is– he wasn't in my life. Once he got my mom pregnant, he up and left." 

He flopped down on the grass, his sea-green eyes never leaving the lake. Snow hadn't taken notice of his eyes until now, as she watched him have a battle with himself. They were a pretty colour, it reminded her of the sea, and it seemed to reflect on his dilemma. Rough and raging just like his emotions at the moment.

"I know how you feel. This is the same with other campers. Once a god or goddess gets a mortal pregnant that's when they leave." Snow said. "You spend your life asking your mortal parent about them, and they could only give you vague answers."

Percy looked at her, watching as she ran her hands through the grass, smiling when it tickled. The smile he's seeing seemed way more genuine than her previous one. 

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