Chapter 2

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~meanwhile in the Exorcist House~

"Kira?! Kira, where are you?"

"I'm upstairs in my room papai. What is it?" I asked as I opened my bedroom door a bit so I could poke my head out.

"Oh, well come downstairs to the kitchen, I need to have a talk with you about something." He said.

"Okay papai, I'll come down as soon as I finish typing my essay for my anthropology class." I replied. I went back to my desk to sit down and continue where I had left off. I let out a small sigh and looked out my window so I could take a small break.

Things haven't been easy since madre passed away when I was 11. And living in this house doesn't help make it any better. I mean I live in the house that inspired my favorite horror movie "The Exorcist" and because I live in this house, I don't have many friends and I never really did because everyone was afraid of being near me. So I have never had a normal life.

What also doesn't help is the fact that I have a demon that lives inside of me. Her name is Astaroth and she has been in my life since the day I was born. She is basically my only friend I have in this world. When I was a little girl and I had no one to play with me, she would appear and play games with me. However the side affect from having her living within me: I can see, talk to, touch, hear and be harmed by spirits.

~~~tiny timeskip~~~

My papai and I just finished having dinner so I was doing the dishes. "Papai, so what is it that you wanted to tell me?" I asked confused yet interested.

"Ah yes, you know the history of this house we live in."

"Yes I do, what's going on? We're not moving are we?" I asked as my voice became a little panicky.

"No no. Well when we first moved here, I had a lot of paranormal investigative teams ask me if they could come and check the house out."

"Yes, okay so?"

"Well I decided to finally let one team to come and do a lockdown in the house."

"Oh. So what does that have to do with us? And what team is coming? What if they can't handle the sinister feel of the house at night?" I asked

"I know my dulce corazon. I know. The group is called the Ghost Adventures Crew. They will be here Sunday and their lead investigator said that he would like to interview us for their show."

"Oh. Okay papai. Well I better get ready for bed." I said as I began to walk upstairs to take a shower and get ready for bed.

~~~le fast forward~~~

I'm laying down in my bed looking at the ceiling and trembling in fear. The house always turns sinister once it's dusk. But I wonder what this team will find when they come.

"Astaroth, are you awake?"
"Yes I am, Kira. What is it? Something on your mind again? Because I can see smoke."
"Oh ha-ha. Very funny. I was thinking about the investigative crew that is coming this Sunday. D-do you think that they can handle this house at night?"

There was a long pause and to be honest, it kind of worried me. Finally, Astaroth broke the silence after she let out a sigh.

"Kira, I must be honest with you."
"I didn't do anything dammit! Just shut up and listen. You remember the stories I used to tell you as a child? Well there is more to them than you could know."
"Okay? And what does this have to do with the team?"
"Kira, I have had my familiar go and try to possess the lead investigator before. An-"
"It's okay, familiar failed to take possession of him. He is a strong one indeed."
"Will you tell me what he was like tomorrow after school?"
"Of course. Now get some sleep."
"Okay night!"
And with that, I finally fell asleep, dreaming about who or what this person was like.

Falling for a Demon Princess (RE-EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now