chapter 10

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hemmo96: BRIT!!!

brit.irwin.96: hmm?

hemmo96: Can we go out again sometime?

brit.irwin.96: yeah, when and where

hemmo96: tomorrow night 7:00 pm and where is a surprise'

brit.irwin.96: ughh I hate surprises but okay and how are we getting there you can't even drive

hemmo96: i talked to your brother he will drive

brit.irwin.96: kk but one more question will it be casual or fancy

hemmo96: casual and bring something that you can get wet

brit.irwin.96: are you taking me to the beach?

hemmo96: nope but you still might want to bring a bathing suit 

brit.irwin.96: kk

Brit's POV

Where was Luke going to take me? Why do I need a bathing suit? Whatever he is doing with me it has to be perfect because he is perfect. I think iI'm falling for Luke, and I'm falling fast. But who wouldn't fall for him? He's cute, funny, nice, weird, awkward, and amazing. His personality is even better though he's so quirky and it makes me want to wrap him up and take him home.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

I was laying in bed when I heard the front door slam and then screaming came from downstairs. It was most likely Ashton and my mum fighting because ever since dad died they haven't agreed on anything. So being the sister and daughter I was I went downstaires only to find my mum and some random guy arguing. The random guy picked up a knife and went at my mom with it. That's when I jumped on his back and covered his eyes. He was swinging the knife around and ended up cutting my mum's face and throat and he slit me in the arm. This is going to be one hell of a night.

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