
88 6 14

When: 6th Of April 2015
At: 9.08 p.m.
Where: At home. (It's raining *_* and thundering. Whoops. I'll get back to witting thing once it receds.)


When I did get back the date is 8th of May 2015. I have abandoned this draft for a freaking month!!!! O.O

Anyways here goes.

Writing. I love writing. I remember the first time I wrote was in third grade as part of an assignment thing. Now thinking back, I can only laugh at the plot of the story. :') I still have books that I wrote through the years, which I only managed to get halfway through. I don't even know what would happen next in the story. Sure they weren't perfect, but it still helped me to grow as a writer. But finding wattpad and being able to share my stories is a great blessing you know :)

I kind of made a list as to why I should keep on writing when I felt demotivated. So here it is.

# I LOVE to write.
# Writing gives me an escape from reality.
# It helps me to dream.
# It gives life to my wild imaginations.
# It's one of the few things I'm good at.
# It helps me to stay calm and content.
# It makes me smile.
# It makes other people smile.
# It's a medium I can use to show the real beauty of Islam.
# It pleases my Lord if I do it for His sake.

So right now, what I really wanted to talk about is this. Sometimes, some people around you might ask you why you write fiction when it only wastes not only yours but the time of someone else as well. They'd tell you that you could use that time to do some quality ibada, or worship.

But I'll tell you why they are wrong.

Just keep in mind that I'm talking about Islamic fiction writing. But I don't mean a total spiritual book or a book where you go all preachy preachy either. Just a normal YA book or any other genre with Muslim characters. Or maybe you don't have to make them Muslim either.

All what requires in your book is subtle reminders. Subtle being the key word. But you can decide how subtle is your book going to be. Just include things that remind people of God or any forgotten morals. Try to inspire people. Try to invite them to Islam. Try to show the hidden beauty of Islam. Show what Islam really is. You don't have to go all extreme though.

It doesn't always have to be a book on spirituality. No. You still can write a nerve wrecking mystery thriller book with Islam. You really can. Just use your creativity and bam! you not only can indulge in writing to your hearts content but also you'd get rewards, In Sha Allah, if you do it with the right intentions and maybe at least one person out there, turn to Allah SWT because of a word or a sentence you wrote that reminded them of Allah SWT!

Just imagine. *_*

Like always intentions are the things that matter most.

So in a world where stupid books like FSOG are dominating the today's teenagers book shelves, why not we write a better book with actual morals and depth with our subtle reminders sprinkled here and there, that can make a real difference? Why not we use our creative brains that God had given us for the betterment of our brethren?

Come on, get the pens writing, or in our case, get the fingers typing!!! Go experiment all genres and make a difference.

Ma Sha Allah though, it's a sight of beauty to see many wattpad Muslim writers flourishing!! When I was new to Wattpad back in 2012, COAMG and Diamonds & Pearls were the only books with Islamic characters. But now, Aaaah, I'm loving it <3333

In Sha Allah, may Allah grant us all striving writers the luck to be published and inspire people all around the globe, in the right way :)


Psst: I hope the next time someone tells you it's futile to write fiction, you have your answers! :)


~rayyyyy :)

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