Foxy(male) x reader (female) lemon

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[foxy's pov]
I just heard about the new security guard I think her name was (Y/N) but i'm not sure I ran as fast as I could to the room she went to but she closed the door I tried again at the other door but I was fast enough this time and I got in the room and said "hi" she said "hi" very scared about something wait.......could that be me and I asked "are you scared of me?" She replied with a nod and I went back to pirate cove with my ears perked down "I thought she wouldn't be scared of me" I said to myself when I was at pirate cove I sat down in my corner.
[Y/N's pov]
As foxy left I was sad for telling him that I was scared of him and I went to pirate cove to say i'm sorry when I arrived at pirate cove I opened the door to the room I slowly walked up to the purple curtain decorated with stars as I walked a floor board creaked and foxy looked out of his cove to see who was it he stared into my (E/C) eyes like he...liked me but he still had his ears down and I said "i'm sorry I said I was scared of you but I thought you were going to kill me but're a cute fox"
He perked his ears up and smiled "well you are a cute lass to come on in" he said while he opened the curtains and I walked in "it's pretty dark here" I said as I turned on my flashlight "and my name is (Y/N)" i said before he replied "hi (Y/N)..again I'm sorry for scaring you before......and uh (Y/N)" "yes fox-"I got cut off by foxy kissing me and he shoved his tongue into my mouth exploring every inch of it after that
after that he removed my top and my bra and I know what he was doing and he massaged my boobs and I moaned he let go and completely ripped my shorts and he licked my pussy with his cold metal tongue and I seriously wanted to give back the favor and I pushed him off me and I removed his shorts and had his dick circle my asshole and he said "oh stop teasing" as he pulled me down shoving his entire dick into my ass and I screamed inside as tears went down my face and he said "(Y/N) I know it hurts but it will be fine" and he was right it felt good after a few seconds and after two minutes of being ass fucked and moaning he came and I screamed pleasure and I pulled his dick out and licked the extra cum off his dick and sucked his dick after one minute he came again and after that I loved foxy and slept naked cuddling foxy and in the morning at seven I woke up to see the curtain open and a man staring at me and foxy backing away slowly and I said "sorry!" As I covered myself and put my clothes on and forgot... Foxy ripped my panties and shorts and of course cum on the floor or... My cum on the floor.
Part end hope you liked it and dat end do' lol and see you later bye!

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