Going to Hogwarts

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It was 1st September and I was in the car with mother. I was just about to ask her what she was about to tell me yesterday before father interrupted her. But i realised that we reached kings cross station and decided to let it go. Mom said "go to platform 9 and 10 and run in the wall joining them to reach platform 9 3/4 I am getting late for work and the ministry is a long distance from here (she was the head of magical law and enforcement in the ministry of magic) good luck see at Christmas Love you" she said and pulled me in a big hug. After the instructions mom gave me I was still confused. Then I saw a woman dressed in casual clothes, ginger hair and surrounded by 4 ginger boys,  1 ginger girl,  1 ginger man and 1 dark - haired boy with glasses who seemed to be awfuly familiar. "Packed with muggles of course" this line seemed to catch my eye so I decided to follow them. "Percy you first"she said. Just then a tall ginger haired boy ran into the wall between platform 9 and 10 and disappeared who I assumed to be Percy. "Fred you next" she said. There were two identical twins who were standing there, one of them spoke up "He is not fred I am!" then the other one said "Honestly woman, you call yourself our mother". In my mind I thought how angrily mother would have reacted if I had said something like that to her. The boy stood in front of the wall and said "I am only joking i am Fred" and ran into the wall followed by his twin brother. Just then the dark-haired boy ran up to lady and asked how to get on the platform. I listened closely because didnt want to ask her again. The woman replied with a smile and said "You have to run directly towards the wall between platform 9 and 10. Best do it with a run if you are nervous." The little girl wished him luck and he disappeared between the walls. Just then the woman turned up to you and said "Well hello there didnt notice you were there what is your name? " she asked with a smile. " Y/N " I replied with a smile just as big as her. "Are you also going to hogwarts? " she asked. "Yes" I replied. "Well then you can go with Ron here he is my son and is a bit nervous to go alone, if you dont mind?". "MOM!" ron half yelled at her for embarrassing him. "No not at all" I replied to her as I really liked that lady and really wanted to make friends before reaching Hogwarts this might be my only chance. "Great then off you both go". We both ran in the wall. And then.......

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