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"What's he doing here?" Makato hissed as he looked at the person sitting in their bakery.

"Who?" Takemichi asked as he walked out of the washroom.

"How are you feeling now?" Akkun asked worriedly.

With teary eyes Takemichi looked at him, "I thought being pregnant was the most beautiful feeling, but this." He started feeling nauseous again and rushed upstairs again.

"I think he should not work today." Hina said while wearing her apron, "For two days he's been going upstairs and downstairs like this, if he slips then it would not be good."

"Yeah." Akkun looked at the stairs. He tried to stay with Takemichi but he didn't want anyone to be next to him when he's emptying his stomach in the toilet. He's still the stubborn Takemichi from the middle school.

"Why don't we take a holiday." Takuya gave the plate filled with cupcakes to Makato who kept it in the counter, "We have earned a lot in these past five days, a two days holiday shouldn't cause much trouble."

"And Takemichi can rest also." Kazushi said.

"No need."

They all looked at Takemichi. He looked sick and weak.

"Oh shut up." Hina came forward, "You look like shit and we have to go see the doctor again, you have not regained your memories and you look really weak."

"But the bakery, we hav—"

"We are tired too. A two day break is not a big deal. First we have to get you checked up, you are not eating properly for days now, look at you, you are so thin."

Hina started scolding Takemichi and all the betas watched them, scared. Hina was scary when she was angry.

"You are being really careless, Takemichi."

Takemichi's eyes filled with tears, he wasn't the one to cry when he was being scolded. He knew whatever Hina was saying was true, and she is just being caring but the urge to cry was strong.

"I am sorry." Tears streamed down his eyes as he puffed his cheeks to stop crying.

Hina's eyes widened. She didn't mean to make him cry. She looked at the betas for help but they didn't know what to do.

Takemichi wiped his tears with the hemp of his sleeve, but the tears didn't seem to stop.

"I want to eat french fries." He cried.

Hina and the betas were confused by his sudden demand of french fries. Takemichi started giving off stress pheromones which confused Hina.

"Takemichi, you are giving off pheromones." Hina whispered to him and he looked at her, "You don't have a mate?"

"What?" Hina wanted to stop him from crying but if what she is thinking right now is true then it would turn things really bad, "But I have a mate, I am pregnant, you said I have a mate."

Hina gulped. Yes, she was the one who told Takemichi that she might have a mate. But if she can scent his pheromones then it means he doesn't have a mate.

"I am sorry Takemichi, you d—"

"I don't have a mate?" Everyone's heart shattered at the broken expression of Takemichi, "So that's why no one reported for my disappearance?" 

Hina gasped at the sudden great amount of pheromones Takemichi was releasing.

"Takemichi, listen, it's okay." Hina made him look at her, "You are fine, you have baby and you both will be okay."

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