Suspicious Finds

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Mimi had gone in the opposite direction from where the chaos had gone down, using the time Vanessa spent yelling at MM to his advantage. Sometimes he nearly fell from rolling over something odd, since he was never meant to be here, but he's doing well so far. But he did eventually find what he was looking for. Vanessa's station.

He began looking around at everything, sometimes getting a little confused at the things he hasn't seen before. There was so much to take in! But he is here on a mission. He refused to let Sun or Freddy be verbally attacked like that, and he didn't want to see them upset again. Why both of them? He wasn't sure. Just... he wants them to be okay.

After a while, and needing to wipe some stuff off his hands before any of it made a mess or caused other problems, he found something that stood out. It took him some time to realize it was a usb- not sure what for. But it had 'Freddy agg' written on it in marker. What did that mean? It was clearly for Freddy, but what was the agg? He tried rotating it to find more, but there wasn't any.

He slipped the usb into one of the compartments he had to carry maps around, and continued to search. He didn't find much else though. Looked like normal security guard things. A couple layout maps, access to the cameras, what would probably be expected for this. Some spare batteries that looked like they desperately needed thrown out. Nothing else out of the ordinary.

Mimi was suddenly startled when the door opened though- seems he underestimated the time she'd take yelling at MM. or maybe the distance? He didn't really know where the big guy stayed. But now there's a problem. He's doomed isn't he. He didn't know how to get out of this.

The door had swung open to reveal a pissed off, though now confused, Vanessa. "What the hell are you doing here? How did you even get in here?!" Again with the yelling. At least it wasn't all harsh this time.

It took everything Mimi had to not flinch. Okay, act natural. Act natural. He immediately began acting as he usually does when someone approaches- offering a map, repeating about it a few times. Same stance, even if it was difficult with the cluttered floors. This had better work. He's as good as scrap otherwise.

"Already have one, doofus. I work here." Vanessa sneered a bit, and began practically dragging Mimi out of the room. "I'll just get you back where you go. Probably going to check your navigator if this happens again."

Thank goodness. Mimi had to keep up the act, even with his programming largely deactivated for the night- which was easier said than done. But it had worked. Need to be careful now though...

Once back in the main area, Vanessa half tossed Mimi forward- a blank glare of spite on her face. "There. Don't get lost again, you stupid robot."

It was a good thing she left after. Because those words really hurt. Mimi retreated to a corner, arms wrapped around him- being really upset. She doesn't know, but it still hurt. He would sit down here if he could. But then he wouldn't be able to get back up.

In time, the power was rerouted and the lights went out. Sounds like Moon's about to roam. But Mimi stayed where he was, now investigating the usb again. What was it for? What did agg mean? He wanted to know, but didn't have enough information. And she will notice it's missing eventually.

Before he could put it back, the familiar sound of a rappel rang though the air- along with those cushioned metal footsteps of the daycare attendant. And now he was being almost stared in the face by the glowing eyes of Moon- though it didn't scare him. It made him happy actually. He left the corner a bit to show the lanky animatronic what he'd found.

"Found a thing. Security guard's." He said, allowing the red glow of Moon's eyes to provide the light needed to read what was on it. He also was hoping Moon didn't remember what Vanessa said to Sun, but that may not be the case.

"Huh. This... is weird. I think I saw one of these before. But it's fuzzy." Moon was a lot calmer to the staff and animatronics, even like this. Though he was still worried about how Mimi had been crammed in a corner. "You okay by the way? You looked scared."

"Not sure. Got called lesser. By security guard." He looked upset again saying it. "Barely escaped. Returned early."

"... come here buddy." Moon was silent for a moment before pulling Mimi into a hug. It startled him a bit, but it was accepted. Even if he kind of forgot how to process the things around him for a bit.

"She clearly is up to something if this is anything to go off of. So you don't have to listen to what she calls you. You are special, in that you can think. Focus on what makes you happy!" They said, using a similar strategy as with kids to help cheer him up. Though he also knew time was running short.

"I'll see if I can find anything in the daycare next hour regarding this. You go show this to the other four so they know. If this one's labeled Freddy, there may be one for each of the others too. See ya as soon as I can!" They continued, giving the usb back and making his way back to the daycare.

Mimi nodded, emotions he's still sort of unsure of disorienting him a bit. But for now, things need to be fixed. And the reason for this usb needs to be found.

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